Different forms of MMO programming

Posted By: CreatorOfMyth

Different forms of MMO programming - 08/18/06 16:49

Hello, I'm new to 3D GameStudio, though a reasonably experienced programmer overall. I've been studying different forms of MMO programming the past year and I'm curious to know what 3dGS if capable of.

A recent idea for an MMO system I've come up with is to divide the world into many seperate "zones" and have each one hosted by a seperate server. The twist here would be that these servers are not dedicated machines paid for by the company. Rather, the servers would actually be the players themselves. The first client to enter a zone would become the host of that zone and all others to enter would simply stay as clients. Should a more capable client enter the zone they could take over as host, so as to make that the most efficient machine is always hosting. I'm working on a tight budget and am unable to readily afford expensive machines and a high-end connection, so this theory of programming would serve my purposes very nicely.

However, everything I've come across so far involving 3dGS and multiplayer makes the server seem to be a permanent installment. This is not to say that a player can't be a server as well as a client, I know this is quite feasible. What I mean to say is that when a server closes so does its hosted session, meaning that its particular zone or part of the game world would vanish with it, which creates potential problems for an MMO. My theory requires a very fluid system in which not only does a client switch from server to server, but the servers themselves switch from machine to machine as players join, leave, and move about the different world zones.

Can 3dGS accomplish this? When a host player enters a new zone and becomes just a client, can a former client become a new host? If a current host drops out unexpectedly, due to connection failure, can a client take over the hosting responsibility and the session continue without the game crashing?

I know this is a mouthful. I'm not looking for someone to program it for me or anything like that. I'd just like to know if it's possible. Thank you.
Posted By: TWO

Re: Different forms of MMO programming - 08/18/06 16:53

Well, yes. But you need pro, half of your live and would have just a hand full tutorials... A6 Mp sucks
Posted By: CreatorOfMyth

Re: Different forms of MMO programming - 08/18/06 22:36

Thanks you for the reply, but now I'm concerned.

Is 3dGS not very capable when it comes to multiplayer? What are some of its advantages and disadvantages?
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: Different forms of MMO programming - 08/19/06 00:45

as far as multiplayer shooters... capable afaik, but as far as mmo, well lets just say we havent seen many results yet
Posted By: TWO

Re: Different forms of MMO programming - 08/19/06 09:03

If you would know c-script and 3dgs basicly, I could send you a plugin which implements raknet into a6, but it´s not much testet yet
Posted By: Damocles

Re: Different forms of MMO programming - 08/19/06 20:09

When you think about a real and flexible multiplayer system for 3dgs,
you should really look into external programms / dll programming.

3dgs is not mainly developed towards a multiplayer part,
the multiplayer part is more of an addon to complete the features list.

I do some tests with java, to handle the multiplayer part, and link 3dgs to the java-client.

Others made some dlls to support multiplayer.
Posted By: TWO

Re: Different forms of MMO programming - 08/19/06 20:20

Damocles, you you want to test my damm Dll? I don´t find any testers, without making to much noise...

It is as good as finished (in my point of view).
A basic manual is written, explaning all stuff. But the Dll itself is totaly untestet and I don´t have time and motivation to test it -.-
Posted By: Damocles

Re: Different forms of MMO programming - 08/20/06 10:05

From your methods-description it is a very nice dll.
I will have some test if these functions work properly...
Posted By: TWO

Re: Different forms of MMO programming - 08/20/06 11:26

I just made the wrapper for the a6, thank Kevin Jenkins for his perfect RakNet
Posted By: Michael_Schwarz

Re: Different forms of MMO programming - 08/20/06 14:09


A6 Mp sucks

It actually does not, you just have to know how to handle it right.
Requires quite some patience in the beginning, but then its as easy as making a rotation script.
Posted By: TWO

Re: Different forms of MMO programming - 08/20/06 14:14

Well, yes. In other engines you just have to press a button, but hey, this is sth special. No, really, it´s hard to understand the A6 mp system and to use it without mistakes.
Posted By: Michael_Schwarz

Re: Different forms of MMO programming - 08/20/06 14:39

tell me in which engine you have to "just press a button"
Posted By: TWO

Re: Different forms of MMO programming - 08/20/06 15:40

Could we write german?

KK, also. Ich kann dir jetzt keine spezielle nennen, aber manche Engines sind darauf ausgelegt dass es keinen großen Unterschied zwischen SP und MP zu machen (aus der Sicht des User(Wir), der Programmierer(Conitec) hat natürlich n´ ar*hust* voll Arbeit). D.h der Endverbraucher muss nur ein Flag setzen und schon ist dass ganze Gerüst auf MP umgestellt.

Dann muss man sich nurnoch der schweren Entscheidung stellen ob die Instanz der App jetzt Client oder Server ist. Aber auch dafür gibbet schon eine Alternative, Peers.

Klar muss man bei der Mp Programmierung ein bissel aufpassen, aber die A6 macht alles schwerer alses eigendlich is.
Posted By: Michael_Schwarz

Re: Different forms of MMO programming - 08/20/06 15:54

Wenn du dich auf die Unreal Engine beziehst, es ist eine eigentliche Multiplayer engine, wenn du im singleplayer spielst ist es nicht weiter als ein Server auf dem du spielst, nur eben ohne andere players.

Ich kann ohne namen einer engine die "auf knopfdruck" alles auf multiplayer umstellt, nicht 'glauben' das es sowas gibt.

Nenne mir bitte nur eine einzige engine bei der dieses auf knopfdruck umstellen möglich ist, und ich würde es dir glauben.

JA, es ist kompliziert(er) in 3DGS ein Multiplayer spiel zu machen, das liegt aber eher daran das 3DGS auf Singleplayer ausgelegt ist. Dennoch ist es möglich, wenn man sich nur damit beschäftigt und nicht nach ein paar tagen schon das handtuch wirft.

Posted By: gaberman

Re: Different forms of MMO programming - 08/31/06 14:42


I want to begin to make an MMOPG with the Raknet and saw here you have a plugin to use Raknet with 3DGS, so could you send the plugin to me to test ? Where you found these plugin and how can I isntall on the 3DGS ?

Posted By: Michael_Schwarz

Re: Different forms of MMO programming - 08/31/06 16:09

Honestly, you should begin on something SIMPLE, a MMORPG is something that can take YEARS, see how much time Blizzard needed for WoW, and they are HUNDREDS of people.
Posted By: gaberman

Re: Different forms of MMO programming - 09/02/06 13:58

I just want the plugin of Raknet to use on the 3DGS for now. Just that.

Sende- me please.
Posted By: Damocles

Re: Different forms of MMO programming - 09/02/06 15:58

The DLL gives you the option to send strings, variables and entityskills
to and from a server to a number of clients.
Plus some additional login related functions.

Before you are able to use it "sensefully" you should first figure out
how to create a clients-server MMO-Game Architecture with these commands.

The dll is a tool, and not some kind of "ready to use MMO solution"

So did you make a plan (on paper) how to apply these functions sensefully
in you server architecture?
Have you made any larger (singleplayer) gameproject before?


Das schöne an der dll ist, das sie die Möglichkeit gibt multiplayer-kommandos
zu nutzen, ohne das 3dGS "reinpfuschen" kann. Das ist nämlich meiner meinung nach das
Hauptproblem mit den 3dGS Multiplayer Funktionen. (Nach dem Motto:
Hauptsache Newbees verstehen die Funktionen,
nur bis jetzt hab ich keinen Newbee gesehen, der nen sinvolles Multiplayerspiel gemacht hat)
Mit solchen lustigen Störfaktoren wie gleiche Level auf client und Server
und beschränkten clients auf der com, strikte bindung and
serverkontrollierte entities, und der Fehlenden
Möglichkeit server flexibel zu starten.
Wenn das alles abschaltbar wäre, würde ich ja gerne die 3dGS Multiplayerfunktionen nutzen,
(so das man komplett den Datenaustausch manuell einstellen kann)
In dem sinne "suckt A6 Multiplayer".
Posted By: adoado

Re: Different forms of MMO programming - 09/23/06 15:27

It is possible, if you know how and you are persistant;

Hey, some people thought and still think that Windows is the only operating system, but it is now gaining fierce competition from other free and open source ones such as Linux.

I am sure that - even after a long time - you would be able to make a successful MMORPG.
Posted By: TWO

Re: Different forms of MMO programming - 09/23/06 15:57


I just want the plugin of Raknet to use on the 3DGS for now. Just that.

Sende- me please.

Sry but I won´t. I switched from Dev-Cpp to VS05 and stoped working with A6. Maybe I´ll release the source... if I get bored
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