SED bug

Posted By: lostclimate

SED bug - 01/21/07 06:33

heres a bug that is reproduced every time, i just never got around to putting it on here

when i run sed and then run my game it works fine....

but if i get an error at the loading screen, and i fix it, and try to re-run it
it crashes and throws an error about only having a 50mb size, no matter what i have the nexus size set to (which for my current project is 500)

dont know if anyone else has this problem
Posted By: jcl

Re: SED bug - 01/22/07 10:10

If you got an error message, it could be somehow helpful when you reveal to us what exactly it said.
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: SED bug - 01/22/07 18:29

Error E1004

Not enough memory (50 MB required)!
Posted By: jcl

Re: SED bug - 01/23/07 11:03

From the manual:

"Error E1004: Not enough memory
A Windows memory allocation function failed. Your game attempted to allocate more virtual memory than available on your PC. All today's PCs should have enough virtual memory (about 1 GB), but old machines might be misconfigured or set up to a very low virtual memory size. The error message can also be caused by a wrong nexus value (exceeding the limit of 200) or a model, sound or image file with a wrong size due to a damaged header."

Hope this helps. Your virtual memory setting is too low - check Settings/Control Panel/System. This lead to different behavior depending on which programs were started before on your PC.
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: SED bug - 01/23/07 13:09

ill check it out, cuz i have exactly that, 1 gig,

EDIT: didn't work, i bumped it up from 1.5gigs on one hard drive to a minmum of 2 and make of 3, and added set up my other hard drive to do the same.
Posted By: jcl

Re: SED bug - 01/23/07 14:46

Hmm, I assume that you haven't set the nexus to some crazy value, or run other programs that allocate in extend of 1 Gig? Apart from those two possibilities I have no suggestion why your PC has not enough virtual memory.
Posted By: laethyn

Re: SED bug - 01/23/07 16:37

Start> Run >> Msconfig

Go to the Startup tab, and disable everything.
Go To the Services tab, check the box that says "Hide all microsoft services" then click disable all.

**NOTE,: Be sure to remember what is checked, and what isn't!!**

Reboot, then try.

This will isolate the possibility that something else is running in the background eating up virtual memory.

If it works, start enabling some things. Start with the first half, then test. If it works, do half of what is left, and so-on and so-forth. Narrowing down what is causing the problem.

If it STILL doesn't work the first time round, then something in your Windows system, or something in your game is the problem.
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: SED bug - 01/25/07 18:22

i figured out what the issue was, i had it set up at a 500 nexus, now the error is a bit misleading because it says the nexus is smaller than 50, but the real issue is that memory wasnt cleared out before, now i have 500 megs allocated for the previous erroneous run, and some memory allocated for the operating system and several other programs, so when i run it again and take another 500 megs, it exceeds my 1gig of ram, when i lowered it to a nexus of 128 i was fine
Posted By: gizka

Re: SED bug - 12/25/07 20:40

I have the same problem Please help how I play the game. It says Not enough memory(50MB required)but it is impossible because there is 8.6GB free space in my disc. Please help about it. Thankss
Posted By: D3D

Re: SED bug - 12/25/07 21:32

Read the manual about Command Line -nx 300 (change 300 to a value that suits you). Remember that the 8+GB your talking about isnt RAM, at least not many people have 8+GB ram. Guess you meant the virtual memory from your HDD.
Posted By: gizka

Re: SED bug - 12/25/07 22:51

How can I find the Command Line -nx 300 or how can I change 300 to a value Please help about it. Thankss a lot
Posted By: D3D

Re: SED bug - 12/25/07 22:58

When I come back from walking my dog I PM you the solution ^^
Posted By: gizka

Re: SED bug - 12/25/07 23:01

I doesnt matter I can wait to enjoy yourself
Posted By: D3D

Re: SED bug - 12/26/07 01:13

Try here
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