
Posted By: Anonymous

mipmapping - 05/28/02 23:43

Does 3D Gamestudio support mipmapping for textures on models? While running a test last night I noticed that, while mipmapping is clearly in effect for level textures, the models were exhibiting the moire patterns that mipmapping is supposed to fix.

-Joe Hocking
Posted By: Keith B [Ambit]

Re: mipmapping - 05/29/02 00:09

Like most other things, I don't think it does... The documentation only mentions "surfaces" (does mipmapping usually affect everything?) In fact, with the exception of ent_blend(), all of the great improvements made to the engine recently seem to affect only level geometry etc. In other words, you can make fantastic looking levels, but the people and creatures that inhabit will look inferior by comparison... (No prizes for guessing that I'm hoping for some improvements to the models in 3dgs... preferably before A6. [Smile] )
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: mipmapping - 05/29/02 00:18

Well, if by "usually" you mean other game engines, then yes. But in 3D Gamestudio nice detailed textures become a horrible contrasty mess as the camera pulls away from the model.

That mipmapping isn't supported for models surprises me (I guesss that's why I hadn't noticed until now.) From the little graphics programming I've done, implementing mipmapping was just an additional line of code. Admittedly, that was in OpenGL not DirectX (the graphics library A5 is built on) but I'm guessing it's just as easy, or if it is harder it isn't MUCH harder.
Posted By: xck3001

Re: mipmapping - 05/29/02 00:22


Terrain and model mipmapping
Terrain and model polygons are now displayed with mipmapping. To
create mipmaps for a model or terrain, open the skin editor in MED
and select Convert Skin->Add Mipmaps. Then save the model. The model
or terrain surface texture must not be bigger than the 3D card's
limit - normally 1024x1024 - otherwise mipmaps won't work.

Listed in the Beta Features - text and will therefor be implemented in the next public beta (should already be in the current beta version).

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: mipmapping - 05/29/02 00:28

Ah, good to know. I hadn't noticed that when I checked the beta features list; I was mostly focused on ent_blend

Kind of a strange way of implementing mipmaps (normally the engine just does it automatically, as opposed to you having to manually click a button to create mipmaps when saving a model) but whatever works best.
Posted By: xck3001

Re: mipmapping - 05/29/02 00:32

I am not sure about this because I am not a beta tester.
But I think this button does not create a mipmap from itself: I think you'll have to manually add a second skin which is used (a bit like LOD). Anyway I may be wrong with this because I have no opportunity to test it [Smile]

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: mipmapping - 05/29/02 00:47

Ugh, I hope that's not how it's done. In that case, I might as well be using LOD.

See this tutorial and search the page for the word "mipmapping"

Again, this is OpenGL; I know nothing about DirectX. But in OpenGL, as this tutorial describes, mipmaps are generated automatically when the texture image is loaded. I assume/hope that DirectX also allows the automatic creation of mipmaps, with no extra effort on the part of the person creating the model.

I'm not sure which game engines I've used in the past are built on DirectX and which on OpenGL, but I know that many have been DirectX and NONE have required me to create mipmaps manually.
Posted By: Keith B [Ambit]

Re: mipmapping - 05/29/02 04:26

Hi, I'm a beta tester (though a very unobservant one it seems [Smile] ). I missed the mipmapping for models because I've been focusing on other aspects of the engine (lame excuse I know). Anyway, I've just checked it out. You don't have to add a second skin, you just do as it says in the beta text (Convert Skin -> Add Mipmaps) and then resave the model. Easy as that.
Sorry about my misinformed post before.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: mipmapping - 05/29/02 04:28

Great! Now I have three beta features to look forward to: detail textures, animation blending, and mipmapping for entities.
Posted By: Drew

Re: mipmapping - 05/29/02 14:47

since you are talking mipmapping, here is a little script for it, its an action that can be assigned to any model (simple box) and placed in the level to control the mipmapping. There might be another way, but this works perfectly for me...
its small, simple, and for me, easier to control, since I dont have to search my main.wdl.
I like assignable actions...
-Add "mipoff.wdl" to main world folder
- include it in your main .wdl file
-apply "mip_off" action to entity cube

This is the meaning of d3d_mipmapping (from the instruction text):

d3d_mipmapping = 0 -> Mipmapping deactivated
d3d_mipmapping = 1 -> polygon mipmapping (old method)
d3d_mipmapping = 2 -> scanline mipmapping
d3d_mipmapping = 3 -> trilinear mipmap filtering (new default)
//wdl code: (mipoff) change the number to match above options...

action mip_off
d3d_mipmapping = 0;
Posted By: Keith B [Ambit]

Re: mipmapping - 05/30/02 07:07

Hi, it would be easier just to put "d3d_mipmapping=0;" anywhere in main()... Even better, GS-Startup Manager 2.0 will have an option in the settings dialogue to switch mipmapping on or off before you launch the game (out soon...).
Posted By: Drew

Re: mipmapping - 05/31/02 14:59

or you can do it ambit's way if you want to take the easy way ;p

Good thing I'm an artist not a programmer...
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: mipmapping - 06/06/02 15:34

Just curious about exporting from Milkshape and bypassing MED. How will this work now?? I havent tried it, but I doubt there is an option convert skin -> add mipmaps.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: mipmapping - 06/06/02 23:51

Well you don't completely bypass MED this way. Export the mdl from Milkshape, open it in MED, add mipmaps, and then save the model again.

Ideally Mete will add mipmaps to the mdl exporter, but of course that won't happen until after mipmapping on models is released (remember, it's still in beta)
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: mipmapping - 06/07/02 00:04

Oh yeah I forgot you could do that, thanks [Smile] .
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