Different screen resolutions from command line

Posted By: Anonymous

Different screen resolutions from command line - 06/04/02 18:52


I'm currently developing a file packer tool (www.geeknews.dk) named GRS. I have almost everything that the end user should do, except for one little issue. The user should be able to define the screen resolutions from the start.

How can I via acknex.exe (command line options) start my game in different screen resolutions?

Posted By: Keith B [Ambit]

Re: Different screen resolutions from command line - 06/05/02 07:32

By using the -d commandline option and ifdef and endif in the WDL script. Actually my own freeware tool, GS-Startup Manager, already does this, as well as providing a setup panel allowing the user to choose resolution, and a splash screen and loading bar for non-Pro owners. Version 2.0 will be out in a couple of weeks:


The loading bar supports games packed with GST-Builder and Brain Editor (ie. it shows the progress of the unpacking process). I would be interesting in supporting your packer if you are interested.

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Different screen resolutions from command line - 06/04/02 20:04

Wow thats great.
Is there a Link to your Startup Manager?
Any chance's to put own picture into it?
Posted By: Keith B [Ambit]

Re: Different screen resolutions from command line - 06/04/02 20:19

Hi Madcat, yes, everything is fully customisable (picture, icon, all text on all buttons even, if you really want to change it); there are also currently six different styles of setup panel to choose from. Version 2.0 isn't out yet (it now detects video card[s] too instead of saying "Primary Display Driver" etc). Version 1.3a can be found here:


However, I wouldn't recommend using it for anything other than the Pro version, as there is a bug that causes system crashes with other versions - it would be better to wait until v2.0 is released (all bugs have been fixed for 2.0 along with all the new features). I'll post in User Contributions when the new version (and new website) is up (as it uses A5 features only available in Beta at the moment it will be after the next A5 update).

@Ripa, sorry, didn't mean to hijack your post. I've checked out your file-packer and it's a nice program. I see there is already a setup panel so you probably won't want to use mine. In the spirit of healthy competition, if you download the old version of GS-Startup Manager from the link above, you will find a WDL script called "scrnres.wdl". This does what you want - you can then start up the game using commandlines such as "-d 640x480x16" etc. Just give me a small credit and maybe a link in the readme or somewhere if you use it. [Smile]

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Different screen resolutions from command line - 06/04/02 20:23

Okey I see,

Well for any matter, this is also a kind of Setup/Start launcher, it also have progress bar, and you can also have your own loading screen image. Everything is customizble, such as text, icon, version info (on compiled .exe) etc. GRS are capable of compile a standalone .exe with all information stored in .exe file, so no need for external icons .ini files. Only loading images are external at this point.

Well, I think of letting your GS-Startup manager supporting .grs files.

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Different screen resolutions from command line - 06/04/02 20:26

Hi Keith,

Thanks [Smile] Of course I will credit your work. Now I know a little more.

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