Why is there banding 32-bit TGA skins?

Posted By: WildCat

Why is there banding 32-bit TGA skins? - 12/06/02 07:45


I am wondering why I see banding on 32-bit TGA skins.

I made a dome model with a white surface, and an alpha chanel that changes from 0,0,0, to 255,255,255 over 256 pixels.

While I understand that I might be able to see the bands of each of the 256 shades, what I don't understand is why I see bands alternating between light and dark .

Can someone explain what is happening and how I can correct it?



- WildCat
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Why is there banding 32-bit TGA skins? - 12/07/02 16:37

From what I understand, the A5 engine can only handle 16 bit textures. But that doesn't make sense as banding shouldn't occur there. Have you tried using the sky map as a pcx or bmp instead of a tga?
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