No Win98 for 6.60, WHY?

Posted By: testDummy

No Win98 for 6.60, WHY? - 11/21/07 20:58

Evidence suggests, for published game executables, any 3DGS game executables created with publish functions from versions after 6.40.5 may very well crash on Windows 98.

6.40.5 yes
6.50.? no (first noted Win98 crash) referred to as 'show stopper' at the time
6.60 seemingly no, supposedly was fixed, but doesn't appear to be
Posted By: Lukas

Re: No Win98 for 6.60, WHY? - 11/21/07 21:03

There's the same problem with A7.
Posted By: testDummy

Re: No Win98 for 6.60, WHY? - 11/21/07 21:38

Thank you, Lukas. I believe a serious crash with Win98 was first found in a public version 6.50, and I think jcl claimed that such a crash was fixed in the public announcement update thread for 6.60. I should have verified at that time.

Although it might be something else entirely, I'm only mentioning it here because, based on statements, I assumed that such a bug or a similar one, was corrected. Win98 is dated, I would not expect Win98 support for the newer version A7. I wanted to experiment with GSNet on LAN with an older machine, and apparently GSNet is only for version 6.60, the assumed last and final A6 version. (I can't afford to purchase another machine for testing, and I don't want to go through the trouble of upgrading the OS on the older machine. Also, I would like Win98 support for low end, low resource, distributions.) I would not expect support for an operating system to be dropped in the same higher version (A6) within two public updates. One of those two updates contained 'show stopper' bugs, and it's use was not recommended.

If it is actually an engine bug, and today I lazily assume that it is, no, I don't think the chances are great that the developers will go back and fix it, but it was worth a shot.

Quoting from bug page from 6.50 to 6.60:

On some machines, not all initial windows resolutions were recognized properly (fixed in A6.58.0). This could lead to a wrong initial resolution and enven a crash on old systems (Win98) that didn't support the resolution set with video_mode. This is a severe bug and can be a 'showstopper' on Win98 systems.

Posted By: jcl

Re: No Win98 for 6.60, WHY? - 11/22/07 08:42

At first, the original Win98 was never supported by A6. You need SE at least.

6.50 crashed under Win98 when you set the video resolution to a value not supported by the 3D hardware. This was fixed with 6.60.

Both A6 and A7 run fine under Win98 SE. Nevertheless we've removed Win98 from the list of systems 'officially' supported. Such ancient systems are usually too low in memory and not properly configured to run a DX9 application at all. I suppose that most A6 and A7 projects won't run on 90% of all still existing Win98 systems, for various reasons. That's why we don't officially support it anymore.

In most cases you can see the crash reason in the acklog. Still, I recommend when you publish an A6 or A7 project not to tell your users it's Win98 compatible, even though it is.

Posted By: ello

Re: No Win98 for 6.60, WHY? - 11/22/07 10:15

what about windows 3.11 ?
Posted By: Lukas

Re: No Win98 for 6.60, WHY? - 11/22/07 12:21

I tried running an A7-executable on WinME and it didn't work either. It seems that A7 is only compatible to Win2000 or higher.
Posted By: Doug

Re: No Win98 for 6.60, WHY? - 11/22/07 18:54


what about windows 3.11 ?

ello: I have to hope that was a joke.

Lukas: WinME is part of the Win9x family (think Win98SE+ ), they added a couple of features and removed some of the DOS functionality to speed up load times.
Since ME was only on the market for about a year, it lacks the driver support of 98 SE.
Posted By: Lukas

Re: No Win98 for 6.60, WHY? - 11/23/07 14:09



what about windows 3.11 ?

ello: I have to hope that was a joke.

Lukas: WinME is part of the Win9x family (think Win98SE+ ), they added a couple of features and removed some of the DOS functionality to speed up load times.
Since ME was only on the market for about a year, it lacks the driver support of 98 SE.

Then this is wrong:

Windows ME / 2000 / XP / Vista and DirectX 9.0c or above.

400th post
Posted By: Doug

Re: No Win98 for 6.60, WHY? - 11/23/07 18:36

I can't comment on the specs.

Read JCL's post above on why 98 isn't listed.


Both A6 and A7 run fine under Win98 SE. Nevertheless we've removed Win98 from the list of systems 'officially' supported. Such ancient systems are usually too low in memory and not properly configured to run a DX9 application at all. ...

ME machines tend to be "less ancient".
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