Problems with Different Video Cards ( about FPS)

Posted By: DestroyTheRunner

Problems with Different Video Cards ( about FPS) - 01/18/08 14:25

Hi i didnt find the right Forum to post this, so forgive me.

ok here it goes, 2 computers:

PC 1 -
Sony Vaio Laptop(4 years old) - Pentium 4 - 2.6mhz - 512 RAM - video card Radeon IGP 345m with 128mb (ps. it takes memory from the ram memory so the laptop itself has 384mb of RAM)

PC 2 -
AMD Duron - 1.60mhz - 256 RAM - NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440SE with AGP8x(Microsoft Corporation) - (ps. this is not my computer so I cant quite remenber how much of video memory it has.)

I am making my game in this 2 computers, ( one is my home computer(pc number1) and the other is my works computer(pc number2))...
and i could notice two FPS problems in the same game situation:

I have this ROCK Entity that has 12 faces, and everytime i click the mouse, one of them is created.
The FPS_MAX is set to 60 ( which works fine to my game).
Resolution <800x600>
Almost all blocks has it FLAT flag on, not shaded.

-In PC 1 (the laptop) when i get(about) ~125 of this entity AND 90 of them visible, the FPS drops from 60 AND variates between 30 to 50 FPS or 45 to 50.

-PS. There is a big river entity which is a 12 faces model with a texture of 256x256 pixels and has turbulence flag on ( to look like a river), when looking from far away it doesnt change the FPS signicantly but when i get really near it , the FPS drops and variates between 30 to 50.
-In PC 2 (the other one) when i get ~224 of this 12 face ROCK entity and 215 of them visible, the FPS drops from 60 AND variates between 40 to 50 and sometimes a bit more than 50.

-PS. The big river entity case that makes the FPS to drop drastically in the PC1(laptop), it only drops the FPS in PC2 a tiny bit.

-Does anybody has technical information about thiS?
-Could it be that Laptop shitty to run games? ( even its been P4 2.66mhz 512ram and it had run stronger games than simply 125 - 12 faced entities game).
-Is it the Radeon Card problem or the driver is old?
-Is it direct X? ( cant remenber wich version is in PC1(laptop) i Had it formatted a while ago and dont remenber which version i installed)

-- Sorry for the long post and so many questions, its because i really cant figure out why a stronger computer is almost 2x slower than a 2x slower computer in specs(not the video card though), so does the GeForce4 in the PC2 makes that much difference? Even its been a simple game like that?

thanks and sorry for the bad english.
Posted By: yorisimo

Re: Problems with Different Video Cards ( about FP - 01/18/08 21:09

I've noticed that laptops (not designed for gaming) seem to have pretty poor graphics cards even if the memory isn't bad. Something to do with integrated memory laptop video cards that don't have dedicated video memory and must draw from the system RAM
Posted By: DestroyTheRunner

Re: Problems with Different Video Cards ( about FP - 01/20/08 14:54

ok i see ...but still my game is not that heavy, and my laptop has run heavier games before( not perfectly but it ran better(faster) than my simple game)...
anyway does anyone has any more information to help me?

Posted By: DestroyTheRunner

Re: Problems with Different Video Cards ( about FP - 01/23/08 10:50

Posted By: Tor

Re: Problems with Different Video Cards ( about FP - 01/24/08 23:02

put on LoD, clip plane set lower, use .dds DDT1 textures instead of whatevery ou're using. Make sure you don't have alpha maps on the textures. skybox can cause some serious slowdown on certain machines especially if you have a huge targa for it.

Lots of little things that add up.
Posted By: DestroyTheRunner

Re: Problems with Different Video Cards ( about FP - 01/25/08 10:47

-I have the Standard version does it has LOD? I heard not all version has it.
-And What about the .dds textures? what do they do? they render faster? ( sorry never worked with .dds before).
one last thing Alpha Maps did you mean having that Alpha layer in my painting program? because i use them for sprites otherwise it gets a horrible black line around it.

Posted By: DestroyTheRunner

Re: Problems with Different Video Cards ( about FP - 01/28/08 17:58

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