False Ad: Multizone/multiserver support for MMOG (Pro Edition)?

Posted By: fastlane69

False Ad: Multizone/multiserver support for MMOG (Pro Edition)? - 08/15/08 17:48

Before I take this with "the higher ups", I'd like everyones opinion on this.

This is the line from the GS feature page.
Given my earlier post that MMOGs are technically impossible with GS, is this line false advertising?

It certainly brought me in (back when the line said "supports 1000's of users", another unproven fact) and continues to bring people in who think that GS is MMOG friendly.

What do you think? Should I take this up with Conitec and ask them to remove ALL references to MMOG in the GS feature page?

Re: False Ad: Multizone/multiserver support for MMOG (Pro Edition)? - 08/16/08 00:02

i say, until they provide a working MMOG that can literally support hundreds of users, then yes they should remove it from the features page.

Alot of customers have their heart set on building a full-fledged MMORPG, only to find out the GS networking engine can't fulfill their needs. Doubt conitec would refund them either.

Posted By: fastlane69

Re: False Ad: Multizone/multiserver support for MMOG (Pro Editio - 08/16/08 00:35

Others? I really would need to have the community behind me on this one before I go asking Conitec to change things... you know how change here is all about a "popularity contest". wink

Re: False Ad: Multizone/multiserver support for MMOG (Pro Editio - 08/16/08 01:40

Maybe adding a poll to your first post would help.
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: False Ad: Multizone/multiserver support for MMOG (Pro Editio - 08/16/08 01:56

"popularity contest"

you make that sound like a bad thing :P
Posted By: Pappenheimer

Re: False Ad: Multizone/multiserver support for MMOG (Pro Editio - 08/16/08 02:26

Originally Posted By: fastlane69

Given my earlier post that MMOGs are technically impossible with GS, is this line false advertising?

Yes. Although I've never been in developing any multiplayer, I continuously watched the efforts over the years with big interest. And, the results are disappointing.

What do you think? Should I take this up with Conitec and ask them to remove ALL references to MMOG in the GS feature page?

You should! Who, if not you. - This was actually my first impulse, when I read your post first, but then I was thinking that you have to argue somehow... but there is no need to argue. It is sufficient to show the many hopes of the users and the disappointing results.
Posted By: EpsiloN

Re: False Ad: Multizone/multiserver support for MMOG (Pro Edition)? - 08/16/08 16:32

I disagree.
Noone should ask Conitec to remove their advertising , because , after all ... "whatever sells it" smile thats the moto these days.
But , I agree , that we should all ask...or maby , demand (dunno if we have that right) that Conitec finishes 3DGS's MP and MMO capabilities. This should , in theory , be their main focus , because the future of gaming isnt single player...Even cell phones already have MMO games. :|
Why shouldnt we be able to create MMO games ?

PS.: Before anyone starts talking about my post ... I'm not talking about the Ultimate template for MMO games , I'm talking about the usual MMO features...
Strategy MMO , FPS MMO...They may be cool , but they'll only add up to the impossibility of creating a template for every possible MMO feature combination out there. IMHO , This is unnecesary , and thats why Conitec hasnt made one already. (Eg. they think that the users want a template like that , multi-purpose template)
I hope atleast fastlane69 will understand this post laugh lol. I'm not good in explanations in English.
Posted By: fastlane69

Re: False Ad: Multizone/multiserver support for MMOG (Pro Edition)? - 08/16/08 16:53

I do understand and if in 5 years of being here and, IMO, 3 years of "knowing what I'm doing" they have NOT "finishes 3DGS's MP and MMO capabilities.", then what hope do we have for the NEXT 3 years? smile

And furthermore, it is exactly because of the "whatever sells it" attitude that I and others almost got "duped" into thinking that GS MP could handle 1000's of player or was a viable MMOG solution.

As the point of this thread and others, GS is NOT a viable MMP solution and thus the feature language should reflect that fact.

And who knows, Epsilon... maybe if we scream enough and there are enough of us screaming for justice, we'll get their attention and MP will get some attention! laugh
Posted By: ISG

Re: False Ad: Multizone/multiserver support for MMOG (Pro Edition)? - 08/17/08 02:15

In all honesty you should not be able to advertise a product without being able to prove it's capability. If I sold something and said it could do (INSERT EXCITING THING HERE), and really within a 10 year period nobody could actually do the (INSERT EXCITING THING HERE), then I'm sure people would be mad.

Without any proof of its existence of being capable, that is false advertising.
Posted By: MrGuest

Re: False Ad: Multizone/multiserver support for MMOG (Pro Edition)? - 08/17/08 02:24

can we rebrand visual studio, double the price and sell that, everything you need to make your own MMO's? laugh
Posted By: Dark_samurai

Re: False Ad: Multizone/multiserver support for MMOG (Pro Edition)? - 08/18/08 10:46

From the forecast page: "Encryption and compression for the data traffic of multiplayer games RDY"

Posted By: fastlane69

Re: False Ad: Multizone/multiserver support for MMOG (Pro Edition)? - 08/18/08 18:31

Well, attempt number one at getting JCL to talk failed. He is the master of discussion Aikido. frown

Time for take two; I too know a little discussion Aikido of my own! laugh
Posted By: flits

Re: False Ad: Multizone/multiserver support for MMOG (Pro Edition)? - 08/18/08 20:46

maby whe can try to get them to proof that there can be 1000+ people online at the same moment

if i am right the have a heck of a server so that wont be a big problem now they need some game that can handle 1000+ players and proof it

i am not able to write a mmo because of lack of exp and edtion but maby jcl ore george ore other person want to make a litle test project to test if its posible ore not

btw i gues thats possible but not on the way we program it on the gsnetwork

thx flits
Posted By: fastlane69

Re: False Ad: Multizone/multiserver support for MMOG (Pro Edition)? - 08/18/08 21:08

maby whe can try to get them to proof that there can be 1000+ people online at the same moment

I've been asking for this for 5 years... hasn't happened yet.
Posted By: fastlane69

Re: False Ad: Multizone/multiserver support for MMOG (Pro Editio - 08/19/08 07:37

maby whe can try to get them to proof that there can be 1000+ people online at the same moment

I've been asking for this for 5 years... hasn't happened yet.

Hell, asking for it now and still not getting it! frown
Posted By: MMike

Re: False Ad: Multizone/multiserver support for MMOG (Pro Editio - 08/19/08 10:28

yes a demo would be nice...
a demo we could download and then test, so each of us could connect to, and play with a simple cube in a 3d world. and we could see each other... that would be enough for me at least.
Posted By: Volund

Re: False Ad: Multizone/multiserver support for MMOG (Pro Editio - 08/19/08 10:41

Originally Posted By: MMike
yes a demo would be nice...
a demo we could download and then test, so each of us could connect to, and play with a simple cube in a 3d world. and we could see each other... that would be enough for me at least.

with basic chat function, and a public ip address so we can ipconfig and ping it to test latency to our hearts content.
Posted By: MMike

Re: False Ad: Multizone/multiserver support for MMOG (Pro Editio - 08/19/08 20:09

chat not really the thing but could be..
But im talking just about a empty world with little dots representing each player. that would login and move in the space.. ehhe..
Posted By: MMike

Re: False Ad: Multizone/multiserver support for MMOG (Pro Editio - 09/08/08 09:23

conitec give us a plugin with proprer multyplayer, and i will be happy at last.
Posted By: Sajeth

Re: False Ad: Multizone/multiserver support for MMOG (Pro Editio - 10/16/08 17:26

Maybe someone of us should talk to his or her lawyer and ask him about his opinion towards this special topic? smile
Gamestudio Multiplayer seems to have been proven useless often enough in the past, and MMO just ISNT POSSIBLE.
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