lobby setup?

Posted By: jigalypuff

lobby setup? - 08/21/08 08:55

I was reading fastlanes thread and someone mentioned it was very difficult to set up a lobby system for multiplayer gaming.
Is this the case? and does anyone have or know of either a decent tut to learn from or a working example to build on?
Posted By: delinkx

Re: lobby setup? - 08/21/08 09:39

check out AUM http://www.conitec.net/english/gstudio/aum.php

there is a workshop on multiplayer.

and the next release should feature a multiplayer template and tutorial as mentioned in forecast:

Posted By: jigalypuff

Re: lobby setup? - 08/21/08 09:49

ya i have read the aum, but i have not found anything about setting up a lobby system so players can meet up online to play each other.
Posted By: Shadow969

Re: lobby setup? - 08/21/08 09:59

hm, maybe i can try making an example, it seems not very complicated. can you say what exactly do you expect from a lobby system? client connects to a server, watches all connected clients, selects an opponent and starts a game?
Posted By: jigalypuff

Re: lobby setup? - 08/21/08 12:07

well similer to the old msn gaming zone lol, if anyone remembers it smile
basicly a lobby is a webpage with a bunch of rooms which people would enter to play each other. The main lobby had a chat and you basicly met up with other players. when you went into a room the first guy in was like the host, he would launch the game and the neveryone elses game would launch. I know i`m not being very clear here smile
but the game should be launched from the server i believe.
Posted By: EpsiloN

Re: lobby setup? - 08/21/08 14:59

That shouldnt be hard if you use a MySQL table to store the 'currently open games'. Every client reads the list of game servers available , and connects to a chosen one.
When a client connects , you can do anything you like , eighter start a game or put him in a 'room' with the others.
Posted By: Shadow969

Re: lobby setup? - 08/21/08 17:44

is that what you mean?

-someone creates a server
-a client connects the server and sees the list of avalaible rooms and connected clients, besides he can chat with other people
-client can create a room and be a host or enter a room and be a guest
-the host of the room launches the game
Posted By: jigalypuff

Re: lobby setup? - 08/21/08 17:54

thats exactly it shadow, i`ll admit you explain it far better than i did smile
quick edit, except i`d like the server to be my on my domain so it`s up all the time.
Posted By: Shadow969

Re: lobby setup? - 08/21/08 18:24

ok, i'll see what i can do
Posted By: jigalypuff

Re: lobby setup? - 08/21/08 18:35

thanks man.
Posted By: SchokoKeks

Re: lobby setup? - 08/21/08 22:13

for a classical session system, where the clients can host their own servers on their PCs and the lobby acts as a kind of listing service, you need the following:

1. Professional edition for session_connect
2. a server running 24/7 which does all the "lobbying"

if you don't have both of this, forget about what I am writing next and skip to the bottom of the post.

so you have both (prof ed and server). this is where the problems start with 3DGS:
its not suited for this, but it is possible. with A7 and the send_.._id functions, it is easier.

the hardest things are: 1. servers run by clients have to send their status to the lobby system, and 2. the servers have to be connectable. in case of 3DGS, the players who host the games have to route several ports from their router to their computer (if they are using a router, which more than 50% of all internet users seem to be doing (estimated)). most people are not capable of this...
I'm quite that there are no workarounds in 3dgs. if I'm wrong, correct me.

if you don't fulfil the two needs above, there are other ways:
1. use a normal windows UI and programming language for the lobby function and start the engine from this interface when needed. this way you don't need prof-edition. I've once done a simple server list this way, using Delphi as the windows programming language and php with a mysql database on the server side.

2. if your game is simple and uses very little traffic, every game can be run on the one server you provide. no prof-edition needed, no problems with ports and routers. but your server has to be fast and have a nice connection. and the programming is a bit more complicated, but possible!
just noticed that you need a server in any case. no luck if you can't provide one that's online 24/7.

Posted By: Volund

Re: lobby setup? - 08/22/08 01:41

It is possible to set up one of your servers as a mirc server and link that directly into your game as the "lobby" [similar to old Asherons Call game lobby]. The chat window is directly linked to the mirc channel.

I have not tested this with GS but have with others.
Posted By: Shadow969

Re: lobby setup? - 08/23/08 08:53

strange. even the basic connection stuff in GS doesn't work under Vista frown
Posted By: Spirit

Re: lobby setup? - 08/23/08 09:14

It works fine under Vista here, you can try with the multiplayer sample in the samples folder.
Posted By: Shadow969

Re: lobby setup? - 08/23/08 09:44

thanks, i'll try it

published it, created shortcuts for server and client. server initialises fine, client cannot connect and gives me Error E480 "Network error: DPNERR_INVALIDDEVICEADDRESS"
Posted By: Petra

Re: lobby setup? - 08/23/08 10:20

It works for me fine under Vista too, I tried it on the same PC and also on 2 PCs because I want to do a little 4-player tennis game. I think the reason is not Vista, from the error message it sounds like a DirectX problem. Have you installed the latest DirectX?
Posted By: Shadow969

Re: lobby setup? - 08/23/08 11:13

yep, still no luck. are there any other possible reasons?
Posted By: Petra

Re: lobby setup? - 08/23/08 12:14

Maybe a problem with the network card? Can you connect to another PC via LAN and access its files?

There was a discussion recently in Ask Conitec whether the Gamestudio network is reliable or not, and Conitec said it is reliable. As far as I can tell this is true for the multiplayer sample. But you could post your problem as a bug report. If it's a problem with the multiplayer functions they should be able to tell you whats wrong, or fix it.
Posted By: Shadow969

Re: lobby setup? - 08/23/08 15:22

network card seems to be fine, as i can download files from local network and play online games both as client and server. i already posted this in beta section, but got no reply. i'll post in bugs section too. maybe it's really because of the network card - i've recently upgraded my pc, but i'm not very familiar with hardware\networking
Posted By: Volund

Re: lobby setup? - 08/23/08 20:13

Originally Posted By: Shadow969
yep, still no luck. are there any other possible reasons?

IP address (static or local)? Open ports if using dsl with static IP's?
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