Give me a brake!

Posted By: James Snydstrup

Give me a brake! - 06/11/03 21:46

If I have a car chassis and four wheels, create them into the world, then add wheel constraints there is no problem.

If I have a car chassis and four wheels, create them into the world, rotate them all (x) degrees, then add wheel constraints the wheels axis of rotation is exactly (x) degrees off of where it should be.

It acts as if the constraints are initializing using world orientation and not the local orientation of the object they are being attached to. Parameter3 that sets axis2 of a wheel contraints is initializing to the world axis not the local object axis.

This makes no sense to me whatsoever.

Axis2 of a wheel constraint should always be initialized to the local orientation of the wheel entity.

*hits head against the wall again*
Posted By: James Snydstrup

Re: Give me a brake! - 06/16/03 21:32

Anyone have any good ideas on how to hold the brakes on wheels when on a steep slope?

I tried just removing and adding different contraints when the brakes are applied but that didn't work to well...see below.

Now I just add one extra constraint to each wheel to keep them from rolling and then remove the added constraint. This seems to work as long as I always leave the original wheel contraints alone.

Any other ideas?
Posted By: ventilator

Re: Give me a brake! - 06/16/03 22:48

i used a motor set to velocity 0 with a very high force and that seemed to work. but i didn't try it with very steep slopes.

another idea i had (but i didn't try it) was to have invisible brake shoes above the wheels which press on the wheels. [Smile] but i doubt that would work well... you could also try to simulate a disk brake! [Smile] but that would be a bit too laborate i guess...
Posted By: James Snydstrup

Re: Give me a brake! - 06/16/03 23:33

i used a motor set to velocity 0 with a very high force and that seemed to work. but i didn't try it with very steep slopes.
That would be the solution I would like to use but it does not work on steep slopes. The tires will roll when they should stay locked and the whole vehicle should slide.
Posted By: ventilator

Re: Give me a brake! - 06/16/03 23:47

maybe you could try to reduce the weight of your vehicle?
Posted By: James Snydstrup

Re: Give me a brake! - 06/17/03 02:00

I had already tried that yet no matter how light the vehicle it will still roll down hill.
Posted By: Rhuarc

Re: Give me a brake! - 07/30/03 10:22

Ventilator presents actually a great idea. To simulate disc brakes. I know it sounds out there, but as the gaming industry progresses- detail like that is becoming common. Back in the day they had to hardcode stuff and 'fudge' it because the computers of that day could not hold that much activity in a fast paced game. Now, most any new(ish) computer would be capable of this without much worry, and it makes it all the more realistic when you do it exactly as it works in the real world. I've read up a lot on that kinda thing and it's almost always a good idea to create everything as high up on the heirachy of detail as you can to give an even better playing experience. Then again... on the flipside- who's gonna notice that kind of detail. There is an overboard factor. I'd think this is a perfectly fine solution as long as your sys req specs are above a 500mhz pc with a 32mb T&L video.

Just my two cents and five nickels on the side. [Wink]

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