cell simulation

Posted By: Anonymous

cell simulation - 06/20/03 08:01

I dont' know if it has been asked before but it it possible to make in wed a cell with a structure. I mean instead of the building wall, having a cell wall? and making everything to that scale? I was thinking the things inside the cell could be models, and have like a virus open up. But what scripting would it take?
Posted By: ventilator

Re: cell simulation - 06/20/03 08:11

? [Smile]

i guess marco would have to implement an additional biochemistry engine for that...
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: cell simulation - 06/20/03 08:34

I was thinking of increasing the size of a cell so it would be as a big as a building. I was thinking so it wouldn't need a new biochemistry engine, and still do the simulation.
Posted By: GhostDude

Re: cell simulation - 06/20/03 10:12

Sounds like a cool idea. [Big Grin] It should be very do able with the right scale. Just script some new actions for the different cell parts and should be no problem.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: cell simulation - 06/20/03 10:50

thanks, atleast someone doesn't think it's a crackpot idea, anyway, I'm going to try I am having a few problems. Like a I need to make a model of bacteria, and white blood cells. It would be a cool game. Where you fight off the infection. Anyway, the scripting part will be a little hard for me. How would you do it? For example, how would the cells fight? I made a little level put some sphere's in for cells, and made it passable. Put in some lights too. I made it look like water, anyone know where i can find textures? I have a6 standard, so i don't have access to alot of things.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: cell simulation - 06/20/03 10:54

Another example of a problem for scripting, is what physics operate at that level? Also, the ai, for example alot of virus replicate.
Posted By: ventilator

Re: cell simulation - 06/20/03 11:01

i thought you were asking if the physics engine is able to simulate the inner workings of a cell? [Smile] you are in the wrong forum! this forum is about questions related to the physics engine only...

your idea is no crackpot idea! you could make a fun game out of it and the ai of viruses shouldn't be a big problem! [Wink] when i was a child i had a game like this for my home computer. it was based on the movie <the fantastic voyage>.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: cell simulation - 06/20/03 11:11

no i'm not because i'm asking how the physic's would work. I think it would work similiar to the player being in a river. As such i need help scripting.
Posted By: ventilator

Re: cell simulation - 06/20/03 11:13

you are in the wrong forum. the standard edition doesn't have a physics engine.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: cell simulation - 06/20/03 11:44

this is about physic's scripting, not necessarily the physic's engine, you can bump me if you want, just send me a private message saying where too.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: cell simulation - 06/20/03 11:46

Well, then you want to code for me? Never said you said it was a crackpot idea, but some people think have unrealistic ideas or that are out there.
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: cell simulation - 06/21/03 07:32

I like the idea! A friend of mine has actually made something like it,although with Visual Basic and not in 3D , if you finish it don't forget to show it to us!!!
BTW don't worry about the lameasses who will crack this very original idea of yours, since your not the only one who has thought about it.... [Smile]
Posted By: kelly_b_c

Re: cell simulation - 06/21/03 00:51

Hey, this is a cool idea. As far as the pysics go, cells "attack" in several ways.

Some use phaygocytosis (engulfing another cell)

some use a method where they penetrate the cell wall and insert a capsule that bursts and releases harmful chemicals

others bind to specific sites on the cell and transform it

and many others . .

I am not sure how much the A6 physics engine would help with this, but I haven't used it very much. It seems like you would need to do a lot of scripting, but it is still a fun concept.
Posted By: Doug

Re: cell simulation - 06/21/03 03:14

This is not really a physics scripting question, so I'm moving it to General Topics.

Btw: There isn't anything crackpot about this idea. A few years ago somebody was using A5 to do an anti-body simulation (I remember because they were using very small high polygon models which is why we added the “clip_size” value).
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