Cylinder collisions

Posted By: GhostDude

Cylinder collisions - 07/01/03 12:01

Will cylinder to mesh collisions be added in the next update? I think thats what it is called [Roll Eyes] i read in another post that its missing from the physics engine, and being able to use cylinders for car tires would solve a lot of problems. [Smile]
Posted By: Zerodin

Re: Cylinder collisions - 07/01/03 23:05

ROUND wheels you say? hmmm round ones....NAHHHH it would never work! [Big Grin]
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Cylinder collisions - 07/02/03 05:02

Originally posted by GhostDude:
Will cylinder to mesh collisions be added in the next update?

They are currently in an early prototype state and will not find their way into the next update.

and being able to use cylinders for car tires would solve a lot of problems.
They will solve some problems that you might encounter with using spheres, but they add their own problems as well.
Posted By: GhostDude

Re: Cylinder collisions - 07/02/03 11:18

@Zero'd in gaming: I've tried using square wheels once.... pretty entertaining actually [Big Grin]

@Marco: What sort of problems would cylinder wheels cause?

@Anyone: Are there any ways around some of the weird behaviors shperical wheels cause? I'm thinking mostly of the bad steering caused by the wheels being able to turn too easily... I have an idea that might work, does anyone else have any thoughts on this?
Posted By: Digital Dave

Re: Cylinder collisions - 07/03/03 20:48

@Marco: What sort of problems would cylinder wheels cause?
Because they're not actually round?

Posted By: GhostDude

Re: Cylinder collisions - 07/04/03 11:40

Looks like i misunderstood something (nothing new) [Roll Eyes]

I assumed the cylinders would be round cylinders, like a wheel or a barrel. You're saying that they will instead have sides? Darn... [Frown]

Will there be a way to decide how many sides the cylinder has?
Posted By: ventilator

Re: Cylinder collisions - 07/04/03 11:50

a collision cylinder doesn't have sides! like the collision sphere it's perfectly round.

i guess there are some other problems with cylinders...
Posted By: Digital Dave

Re: Cylinder collisions - 07/04/03 13:07

@ Ghostdude - Sorry bud, I was askin' - not tellin'. Hope the misunderstanding didn't inconvenience you [Smile]
Posted By: GhostDude

Re: Cylinder collisions - 07/04/03 13:45

Hehehe well this is confusing [Big Grin]

So physics cylinders really are round and could be used for wheels? Maybe we can get this figured out once and for all [Smile]
Posted By: Digital Dave

Re: Cylinder collisions - 07/07/03 05:46

Either I guessed right, or it's an orientation problem I'll bet....

(This post is not intended as expert advice - don't let the avatar fool you - stare into it's eyes - you're getting sleepy - very sleepy)
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