Help moving in multi-player

Posted By: ATOMIX

Help moving in multi-player - 10/23/08 14:42

This message is for the moderator or anyone who has enough experience to help me. I have Pro version 7.50
I need a code example to connect with a dedicated server and then move my character around. I then need to connect many clients and be able to move around in the world.
I tried Locoweeds code and it is awesome, but I don't need the weapons for what I am working on (just a simulation). After stripping out the weapon code it totally fell apart, probably because of my lack of knowledge in programming 3DGS. I even tried replacing the weapons with a small book model and then disabling the left-click for firing. I did this and only managed to get 7 users connected before it got so slow the character barely moved.
The funny thing about that is the FPS and BPS rates were reasonable and didn't get less with more users. It just bogged down. It seems to have a problem when you disconnect, every time a client disconnects it slows down more confused It seems like it never releases the client data and doesn't free up the memory????
I can't figure out a way to monitor the dedicated server and be able to see the messages being sent to the server from the clients and vice versa. That would help if I could monitor the variables being sent back and forth.
Please can anyone help me with a code example to connect to a server and move around a character.
I greatly appreciate any help.

Posted By: croman

Re: Help moving in multi-player - 10/23/08 16:03

this is little too big job for anyone to do it for free (unless someone has already finished code)

i tried to do MP movement it worked fine and bps and latency were also on reasonable level but the movement was still itchy (not good). that's because of 3dgs mp system, it's not good enough.

but you can keep trying. last 4-5 AUM's are about MP programming and so far you have players moving and shooting at each other. i'd suggest you to take a look at it, it's really good.
Posted By: ATOMIX

Re: Help moving in multi-player - 10/23/08 16:39

Thanks for the info. The more I get to know this engine the less it can do networking. I thought it would be simple because that's what Conitec said. I did notice that they don't have any official code examples for networking. Only user examples. It's kind of like dealing with politicians. Only partial truths.

Posted By: croman

Re: Help moving in multi-player - 10/23/08 16:51

in fact, it's easy to make a mp example, but it's not running properly. take a look at George's workshops in these latest aum's. they'll be of a big help to you, i'm sure smile
Posted By: ATOMIX

Re: Help moving in multi-player - 10/23/08 17:08

Thanks for the response. I figured I will have to buckle down over the weekend and write a simple multi-player setup with movement and try to make it work. The disappointing thing about this is 3DGS advertises that multi-player, multi-server and multi-region is available in the Pro version.
From their features page.
Network & Game Engine
Save / Load system for resuming games at arbitrary positions
Multi-player client/server mode for LAN and Internet (UDP)
Multizone/multiserver support for MMOG (Pro Edition)
Expandable through DLL plugins

If they can't do that then I want a refund.
At the least I want example code to do all of the above. There is no official examples to do any of the above, except a puny very simple save and load game example in default.c
I now have great distress because I am being told by the senior members on this forum that an MMO can't be done when we spent a lot of money for this system because of the features advertised.
Posted By: Garrettwademan

Re: Help moving in multi-player - 10/23/08 19:00

I may not be of much help but I have been working with the Multi Player coding of dedicated servers and clients for the past 2 years. The furthest I got was 4 players connecting over the internet to a huge mass of land with some trees. The players were extremely jumpy and not smooth at all.

The dedicated server activated the no-send command on every object it created after it was created on all clients, I though this was speed things up, but it didn't. I was sending the players position ever 10 frames and it was jumpy.

The last thing I didn't have time to try was to send clients positions to the server every second or so, and have the server tell other clients the positions, and have the client smooth it out. Basically like chess, gliding players and turning them on the client. This could be an issue though if I need up to date syncing on all clients if they are fighting.

Oh and on a LAN, the movements were great with 4 players, unfortunately I am looking to support at least 300 on one server.

I am just waiting now to see if they implement something.
Posted By: ATOMIX

Re: Help moving in multi-player - 10/23/08 21:08

Great to hear from you. I actually got 7 users connected using Locoweeds code but they wouldn't move very well. That would have been fine if I could monitor the system and see what data the server is receiving and sending back. But I can find no way to monitor or even debug what the server is doing. This is a real closed system, kinda like trying to program a Mac. If you know of any way to monitor the communications between client and server (besides a packet sniffer) I would be forever in your debt.
Once again thanks for the response. Keep on keeping on.
Posted By: ATOMIX

Re: Help moving in multi-player - 10/23/08 21:33

My partners said if you can make it work we will pay you. How much do you want? I am really serious. We already have spent $1,798.00 for 4 user licenses for the engine. 1 for publishing and 3 for the artists. Plus we have paid salaries already for 6 months for the artists to do the level, which is finished and ready to be beta tested on a development server bank with a private ip. The only thing holding us up is the multi-player. We need to get this working or move on to another engine.
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