Animated Light Maps

Posted By: BHoltzman

Animated Light Maps - 09/28/03 08:59

I was reading that the torque engine can do this. Can 3dGS?


Posted By: thomash

Re: Animated Light Maps - 09/28/03 10:10

I don't think so buddy!!!
Posted By: myrlyn68

Re: Animated Light Maps - 09/28/03 10:21

It depends on how you view it...

I am not sure how the "animated lightmaps" are generated in the Torque engine, but most likely they are not a function of the engine itself (i.e. - they need to be created and then applied to the level).

3DGS can already do that. Same way you have any other animated texture, granted it wouldn't be easy to align everything.
Posted By: BHoltzman

Re: Animated Light Maps - 09/28/03 10:37

This is a topic I know very little about so, please bear with me.

In XSI, I can bake light maps onto objects. Assuming XSI can export objects with animated light maps baked onto them, could I just import that into 3dGS and avoid the whole alignment problem issue?

I can think of some awsome effects that may be achievable through this technique!
Posted By: myrlyn68

Re: Animated Light Maps - 09/28/03 11:32

Kind of...

What you would do is create the object (in WED or XSI...though XSI you would have a few problems with getting the geometry into WED). Once the object is created in WED you can open it in MED and save it out as a 3DS or similiar format. From there you open it up in XSI, and then proceed to use XSI's texturing tools to apply the texture (again though, I have very little experience with XSI - so I am not sure what practical problems you will need to overcome to accomplish this). You then assign your lighting and render it out as textures. Depending on what options are available this can be very easy, or somewhat difficult. From there you go back to WED and import the animated texture sequence into WED as an animated texture (as it states in the manual). When viewed in the level it will be a nice animated "light map".

You are correct, some awesome effects can be achieved through this method. And with the shaders which are coming quickly in 6.2, even more impressive effects can be achieved.

BTW - if you do not have access to a high end package, there are a number of other options which should work, though I have not had time to try them out myself.
Posted By: BHoltzman

Re: Animated Light Maps - 09/28/03 13:05

At this point I know it would be a difficult workflow to go from geometry creation in XSI to WED. But with the new max scene import option that should be coming out soon, I should be able to go. Level Geometry created in XSI, work on texturing in XSI and export Level Geometry back into WED as a MAX scene?

This should be achievable through a Deep Exploration scene conversion.

Does that sound like it will easily work?

Yes, I have XSI. But owning it and understanding it are sometimes two very different things. I'm working on it but man is it huge!

Posted By: myrlyn68

Re: Animated Light Maps - 09/28/03 13:23

I really don't think that exporting to a MAX scene file would be of much help (at least without Max that is). Currently there is the script from Mirabar, but that requires Max to run - it is not a stand alone utility.

Deep Exploration might work - though for that you would need an export/conversion utility to change it from MAX or XSI files to WED (wmp, wmb, or map). There might be one for MAP files, but I doubt it has ones for the native formats. Another option is pursuing a plugin of your own. If you can get enough users together, you could possibly get a programmer to write an export plugin for XSI like the one for Lightwave and Max.
Posted By: BHoltzman

Re: Animated Light Maps - 09/28/03 13:54

Deep Exploration can import Quake .MAP files but it can't export them.
It can also import and export both .3ds and Direct X model formats.

Does it look like importing .x or .3ds into WED will not be an option in WED itself? Or are you just showing cautious restraint towards planned 3dGS features?
Posted By: myrlyn68

Re: Animated Light Maps - 09/28/03 14:09

The current plans do call for you to be able to import models into WED for use as geometry, but those are plans from the forecast:


Editor Improvements (in development / in beta test)
Improved preview for models and levels. Higher precision and improved editing functions. Combining several entities to a Map Entity. Texture Lock on rotating / scaling. Import for BSP level geometry from standard editors, either through a plugin, or through direct import of X and 3DS files. Debugging through the script editor. Plugin interface for tools and user functions.

Since the import hasn't made it to the Beta list yet, I am assuming it is in development still. About the only time I assume a feature can be counted on is when it makes it to Beta - even then it can be a long while before you see it though.
Posted By: BHoltzman

Re: Animated Light Maps - 09/28/03 14:26

Yeah, that's true, I might not see the import for a long time yet. Hopefully I'll be able to use my investment though. XSI wasn't cheap $$ wise or in time and effort to learn. And the quality of work that I can get from this package is absolutely exceptional. Hopefully I'll be able to use XSI without having to learn and purchase another modeling package as a go-between. That's what Deep Exploration was suppose to help me with.

Well, enough about my worries.
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