A Mission for all of those A6 Pro users...

Posted By: Bright

A Mission for all of those A6 Pro users... - 10/09/03 16:33

I don't have A6. lol. But I am going to get it. But I have always wondered what a whole house falling down would look like.

Ok, here is the task.

Create a brick model and make a whole house out of bricks with this model. REMEMBER, it has to have a rigid body and they all must have physics. Then, knock a ball though it to see the destruction. Muhahahahahaha. Can anybody make this?

Posted By: Orange Brat

Re: A Mission for all of those A6 Pro users... - 10/09/03 18:17

Assuming you had a powerhouse PC, I wouldn't see why not. However, I don't think the A6 physics is very friendly to objects stacked on top of one another. The free Newton dll, which will work with A5 and A6 seems to handle this better. Anyway, that would be a pretty cool thing to see if done right.

Go to www.maxpayne2.com and check out some of the gameplay movies. There's a ton of Havoc 2.0 physics going on in it...lots of destruction and ragdoll stuff. I think one of the Set 3 movies shows a stairwell being decimated...try clip 13.
Posted By: ello

Re: A Mission for all of those A6 Pro users... - 10/09/03 19:31

i started a project like this once i got a6, but it failed. it was to many objects and if physics objects are in contact to each other their behaviour was very very strange. more than an explosion, but like a slideshow, too. i had an idea about to script it, so that it started braking down from top to botton, but i failed at this one, too. so i gave up that idea. maybe some other person with a better pc (thinking of over 3GHz) and with mor scripting skills can do this...
Posted By: Bright

A new task - 10/12/03 09:51

Ok then, how about you try to make very small model that is flat, add lots of them into a level and weld them together to make a carpet or a curtain. Then watch the player walk though it and see what it looks like.
Posted By: ROMAC

Re: A new task - 10/12/03 20:41

lol, I think I can help you out with your distructive blocks idea. You know the game that won the last contest - crane? I used it, took a bunch of blocks and put them on each other, then I threw about 3 spheres on it, and it fell - not too amazing I gotta say.
Posted By: Bright

A Mission for all of those A6 Pro users... - 10/13/03 07:26

I wish I could do it, but I dont have A6 Pro. I am entering that new contest to get it.
Posted By: Marco_Grubert

Re: A Mission for all of those A6 Pro users... - 10/15/03 06:50

Physics engines don't like stacked objects. They tend to either bounce, explode or sink into each other. One way to make things more stable is to reduce the physics time constant, but that will slow things down as well.
Posted By: Burncycle

Re: A Mission for all of those A6 Pro users... - 11/05/03 06:45

About that newton DLL you mentioned, where can i get it?
Posted By: Darkstorm

Re: A Mission for all of those A6 Pro users... - 11/05/03 08:49

Newton Game Dynamics

Posted By: ventilator

Re: A Mission for all of those A6 Pro users... - 11/05/03 09:23

They tend to either bounce, explode or sink into each other.

look at this little newton demo i made: newton_demo1.zip ~4.5mb

i haven't experimented with the newton engine very long but it's amazing how robust the simulation is. no object jitters and even if all objects of the level lie on a pile nothing explodes. the auto rest feature sometimes stops objects too early (i guess this could be optimized a little with some parameter tweaking) and this can look unrealistic. but it's much less distracting than objects which rocket away for no apparent reason. and even if the auto rest feature is disabled nothing tends to explode, the simulation just eats a lot more performance.

i like both physics engines, they both have their strengths and weaknesses!
Posted By: Newton

Re: A Mission for all of those A6 Pro users... - 11/05/03 10:13

You could also check this demo made by eka.


source code and assets is included so people can see how the set up a level.

PS: still has some problems that will be address in the patch
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