ANet feedback

Posted By: Garrettwademan

ANet feedback - 01/07/09 04:49

I see that 3DGS is working in some Multi Player support from what I see. I saw support using ANet to support online play. Has anyone had any experience with this using 3DGS? Would something like this support many players (say like 250 per server) for an online game? I didn't see anything in their documentation.
Posted By: croman

Re: ANet feedback - 01/07/09 09:45

i'm using anet and i can tell you that it's great though im not sure it can support so many players but you should ask that question to Dark_Samurai
Posted By: Dark_samurai

Re: ANet feedback - 01/07/09 13:10

Of course it supports so many players but you will need ANet Professional for this (I'm currently working on it). But it's not ANet, that will limit you to less players, but you won't have that good servers and internet access.
Just imagine what traffic 250 players would produce wink

Normally you should use zones for that much players (like in common MMORPGs). You have servers for each zone and switch between them. This is supported!

You can try out the free demo. The link is in my sigantur.
Posted By: FlorianP

Re: ANet feedback - 01/07/09 14:37

Originally Posted By: Dark_samurai

Just imagine what traffic 250 players would produce wink

I don't know who put this rumour out but in an (mmorpg) online game a player consumes ~2kb/s (0.5 up, 1.5 down) so 250 players would mean 500kb/s traffic - standard servers support 10 to 1000 mb/s traffic.
And smaller online games don't use zones at least they are not running on different servers! So a good server can handle about 2000 Players in an mmorpg without any trouble.
I even know some examples where the game-server and the web-server are the same physical machine.

sorry for offtopic...
Posted By: croman

Re: ANet feedback - 01/07/09 14:43

btw do you know how much those servers cost for renting or do you know where i can see that?
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