Physics cause difficulties measuring entity rotational speeds

Posted By: theDust

Physics cause difficulties measuring entity rotational speeds - 03/30/09 11:45

Hi, I need the rotational speeds (and directions of these speeds) of an object. An example, it should look like this at the end:

X-SPEED = rotating at 5 degrees per frame.(because abs(X) = 5)
X-DIRECTION = rotating anti-clockwise (because X is a negative number)
Y-SPEED = tilting at 10 degrees per frame.(because abs(Y) = 10)
Y-DIRECTION = tilting clockwise (because Y is a positive number)
Z-SPEED = tilting at 15 degrees per frame.(because abs(Z) = 15)
Z-DIRECTION = rolling clockwise (because Z is a positive number)

The calculations of this speeds are working with:
VECTOR Old_Rot, Now_Rot, Rot_Speed;
vec_set(Old_Rot, my.pan);
vec_add(Old_Rot, vector(360,360,360));  //eliminate negative angles (optional)
vec_set(Now_Rot, my.pan);
vec_add(Now_Rot, vector(360,360,360));    //eliminate negative angles (optional)
vec_diff(Rot_Speed, Old_Rot, Now_Rot);

The calculation without physics is working ! But when my object is using physics the Rot_Speed has nearly random values and random sign (direction of speed).
Maybe its a time displacement in the calculation, caused of the physics. Any idea that could help?

More infos and the complete problem:
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