Range for physics?

Posted By: Chrisu

Range for physics? - 03/30/09 14:18

I've got a level including a terrain and a model with physics and everything works fine. Now I scaled up the terrain in WED but the "range" for the physics stays the same - I mean the "invisible wall" where the model was thrown back which was formally fitting around the terrain is now on the same place as before and therefore "misplaced". What can I do to use the whole terrain for physics again?

Thx in advance.

Cheers chrisu.
Posted By: andibeh

Re: Range for physics? - 03/30/09 15:08

I had the same problem some weeks ago, in a level that was dynamically created and contained just MDL-models.

I tried several things to push the limits of the physic engine, but had no success.

Finally the only solution was to create a WMB-Level containing several small block entities, positioned at the vertices of a virtual bounding box which circumscribed the intended physics engine space.
Posted By: Chrisu

Re: Range for physics? - 03/30/09 17:40

Cool workaround!

I'll try this ASAP.

Thx a lot!
Posted By: andibeh

Re: Range for physics? - 03/31/09 07:13

I hope it works.

If you find another workaround, in particular for dynamically creates levels without haveing to use a precompiled level please let me know.
Posted By: Chrisu

Re: Range for physics? - 04/06/09 09:08

Workaround works!
Though I figured out that it is enough to use just two cubes for defining the workingfield of physics. The two cubes are positioned at the start and the end of the longest diagonal through the workingfield-cube.

Cheers, chrisu.
Posted By: EvilSOB

Re: Range for physics? - 04/06/09 20:13

I found long ago, like Chrisu, that placing two entities at diagonal
corners of the "worldspace" I wish to work in did the trick.
Point-of-note I created these entities DYNAMICALLY in a level_load(NULL) level.
They werent even made MDL or physics entities, just NULL entities.
But beware, it was only very crude physics testing, so it may not work with
all the physics stuff. Back in about 7.10 I think it was.

Hope this is of some help.
Posted By: Chrisu

Re: Range for physics? - 04/08/09 08:47

Thx for sharing.
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