Getting stuck on edges

Posted By: GhostDude

Getting stuck on edges - 12/13/03 15:22

I have created a level with a wide block in it. On top of that i placed an entity with an action which makes it use the physics engine and makes it use the ph_box hull, along with other stuff like friction and damping. Now, if i slide the ent along the block so that one part hangs off the edge, it gets stuck and cant slide back all the way onto the block. I found out that the parts getting stuck are the 8 corners of the bounding box, and if one corner is over the edge, it gets stuck on the edge and wont slide back on top of the block....

This is a real pain to deal with. Is there any way i can get rid of this problem?
Posted By: ventilator

Re: Getting stuck on edges - 12/14/03 03:34

physics stops working when the physics entity is outside of the level's bounding box. maybe that's the problem in your case? try to make a big hollow block around your level.
Posted By: GhostDude

Re: Getting stuck on edges - 12/14/03 15:00

There already is a large box surrounding the level with a sky texture attached to it. Also, the physics dont seem to stop working once im over the edge, as i can move side to side along the edge, or farther off over the edge, but not back onto the platform all the way. Kind of tomb raider style when you grab a ledge: you can shimmy sideways or let go and fall down, but in my case you cant climb back up again...
Posted By: msKEN

Re: Getting stuck on edges - 12/15/03 17:32

It was either AcidCrew or Ambit I can't recall they had the same problem and posted an example of what they meant, its in this forum if you look for it, their just might be a solution. But I don't recall if they solved the issue or not.
Posted By: feature_creature

Re: Getting stuck on edges - 01/10/04 05:31

Can anyone be more specific about the solution to this problem -- as well as physics entity passing through walls/floors?
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