Publishing some models not shown

Posted By: ozziedave

Publishing some models not shown - 07/02/09 02:53

Hi All,

In the Editor my two model Jeeps show up ok, the game is
run from the Editor and the Jeeps show up ok.

But when I Publish and run my game the Jeeps do not show up.

They must be there, because you can collide with them, but
they are invisible to the eye.

I use XP and 3DGS 7.77

Many Thanks
Posted By: jcl

Re: Publishing some models not shown - 07/02/09 10:45

I can't know why something's missing in your publish folder - you have to check yourself.

Typical mistakes are a missing BIND statement of files that are not explicitely mentioned in the script, for instance external textures of models.

Also, check your published game by setting the warn_level to maximum. This gives error messages that you otherwise wouldn't see.
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