Tiny Particles if using a BMAP

Posted By: Storm_Mortis

Tiny Particles if using a BMAP - 07/23/09 18:38

Hi there,
im recognized that the particles are very small if i set any BMAP to it. Increasing p.size dont do anything.
But using particles whithout any map, like the beam demo, work just fine.

PS: this problem causes in every project i tryed, so its not my failure. the cardemo for example has tiny dust particles as well.
Im working on my Notebook, 2,8GH and 512MB - and this causes since the Version 7.77.4.

so, just wanted to tell this.
have a nice day!
Posted By: Storm_Mortis

Re: Tiny Particles if using a BMAP - 07/25/09 17:48

Well i just nitized that every partikle but the beams are not scaleable...
hope to be the only one with this problem!
Posted By: jcl

Re: Tiny Particles if using a BMAP - 07/27/09 13:04

The size of a particle is limited by the hardware. So you can't scale a particle extremely large - the limit of the size parameter is 16, but some 3D cards support not even that. You can use the DXCaps viewer to check the maximum point size of your 3D card.

When a particle has no bitmap, an internal bitmap with the size 16x16 is generated. That's the default dot image. If you assign an own bitmap, it's scaled up or down dependent on whether it's smaller or larger than 16x16. Hope this helps.
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