Javoc engine (ripped Havoc engine)

Posted By: Helghast

Javoc engine (ripped Havoc engine) - 02/09/04 23:16

i found a solution for a havoc like engine.
Don't know if it will work, but it is an idea.
here it is:

lets say you have an enemy walking around in your level.
Then when you kill him, there will be a function called.
This function days to load a model linked bodyparts together with newton physics, that replaces the dead enemy with this model.
So from that point the model will fall like you are actually dead and have remade a havoc engine.

Like i said i dont know if it will work, this is my first physics script i think of.

Posted By: blaaaaa

Re: Javoc engine (ripped Havoc engine) - 02/09/04 23:25

but why do you call that physic engine ??? its a script. a physic engine reacts on environment and so on ...
Posted By: NefariousD

Re: Javoc engine (ripped Havoc engine) - 02/09/04 23:56

Im actually working on this idea as well. It is possible. I wouldnt so much call it 'ripping off the Havoc engine', I would call it utilizing the fantastic Newton engine. Who needs Havoc if you have a viable, free physios engine supported by a really nice and intellegent guy (Newton)?

In thinking about how to achieve this effect, my only real concern is how to transistion the model from its normal, animated mode into a prearranged 'ragdoll' pose. I'm pretty new to c-script, though, so theres probably a method im overlooking. Perhaps through the bones system, an entity can be quickly posed into a 'spread eagle' sort've position before being switched with the ragdoll (which would also be in the same position).
Posted By: blaaaaa

Re: Javoc engine (ripped Havoc engine) - 02/09/04 23:59

du kriechst so tief in seinen a**** , da kommst du nie wieder raus
Posted By: NefariousD

Re: Javoc engine (ripped Havoc engine) - 02/09/04 23:59


but why do you call that physic engine ??? its a script. a physic engine reacts on environment and so on ...

The 'ragdoll' in this case would come into existance immediately after its controlling entity registers as having been killed. The ragdoll responds to the force of the last bullet, and the body will twist and writhe to the ground, also responding to any obstacles or hinderances it finds as it falls until it eventually stops moving. Sure, you are bringing the physics into the world with a script, but theres nothing about the ragdoll effect that is not physics.
Posted By: blaaaaa

Re: Javoc engine (ripped Havoc engine) - 02/10/04 02:38

arrrrghhh ! yourŽe right HOW DOES IT FEEL TO KICK SOMEBODYS ASS ????????? lol
Posted By: Helghast

Re: Javoc engine (ripped Havoc engine) - 02/10/04 02:58


du kriechst so tief in seinen a**** , da kommst du nie wieder raus

Dear GFXstyler,
would you be so kind as to tell me what it reads??
I know little german.

@ nefariousD

maybe we can work together on this.
I am pretty new to c-script either byt maybe we can sort that out
mail me : dennisiscool@hotmail.com or PM me.

regards to everyone,
Posted By: blaaaaa

Re: Javoc engine (ripped Havoc engine) - 02/10/04 03:12

i guess it means : you are crawling so deep in his ass, so that you will never be able to come out anymore
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