Could anyone with Radeon try this?

Posted By: Templar

Could anyone with Radeon try this? - 04/12/04 00:04


i've found out that when I set in my ATI drivers vertical synchronization to always off, I suddenly get terrible jerks (and i don't mean the typical vsync tearing) in my level, making it virtually unplayble. Could anyone please try setting this on their system and report if they experience the same behavior in their level?

Posted By: Ultra

Re: Could anyone with Radeon try this? - 04/12/04 23:14

Yeah, I do get the same results. with VSync off, the game is very jerky if you dont force it to run at 60FPS or higher. with Vsync on though, its fine. I don't think this is a ATI problem though. I think it's the engine as i never suffered the same "problem" with any other engine.

I currently have a ATI 9800 Pro
Posted By: Blattsalat

Re: Could anyone with Radeon try this? - 04/13/04 15:59

I dont have this problem at all with my 9700PRO.
Win2K btw...maybe its a difference between the XP version and the W2K one??
Posted By: Templar

Re: Could anyone with Radeon try this? - 04/13/04 20:04

Thank you, guys! I think I'll look into it some more...
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