newbie question with A6 Comm

Posted By: prophet

newbie question with A6 Comm - 06/10/04 11:16

I was going through the manual inregards to physics and to tell you the truth, it is all French to me. What I am trying to do is make a ball, that is bouncing in a hollow 3D rectangle, bounce correctly. Any clues or suggestions?
Posted By: A.Russell

Re: newbie question with A6 Comm - 06/10/04 21:44

I found the physics articel in AUM 25 a good start. The example is for the com edition as well.
Posted By: prophet

Re: newbie question with A6 Comm - 06/11/04 06:12

Well, I tried that. Thank you for pointing it out. The problem I am having now is I added some gravity so the ball would come back and not get stuck, but the ball loses momentum because of the gravity. How would I make the ball regain momentum when it hits the paddle? Any ideas.
Posted By: Marco_Grubert

Re: newbie question with A6 Comm - 06/11/04 10:18

Add an EVENT_FRICTION and add phent_addcentralforce along the NORMAL vector upon impact.
Posted By: prophet

Re: newbie question with A6 Comm - 06/12/04 00:03

Should I add this to the paddle that hits the ball or the ball it self? Thanks for responding.
Posted By: prophet

Re: newbie question with A6 Comm - 06/13/04 03:36

Is it possible to have an object change the gravity when it hits it. Like have gravity be positive and when it his a brick make it negative.
Posted By: Marco_Grubert

Re: newbie question with A6 Comm - 06/15/04 05:21

You can change the gravity at any time, but it will affect all entities. To move just a single object use phent_addcentralforce to counter gravity.
Posted By: prophet

Re: newbie question with A6 Comm - 06/24/04 01:13

The problem I am having now is the movement of the ball. I have the gravity changing when it hits the bricks and paddle, but the walls appear to kill the gravity to a point where the ball will bounce just back and forth in the square it is in.

here is a link to the beginning of the game. It runs and you can see what I meand then check the code if you wish.
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