
Posted By: Matt_Aufderheide

Polycollsion - 10/01/04 01:40

Hey.. i love using polycollision but is there a way to turn it off only for certain objects.. for instance.. if i have a highpoly character model.. i want it to collide against polys in the world but use a bounding box itself..so as far as the engine knows it's just a box.
Posted By: dleuen

Re: Polycollsion - 10/01/04 02:20

I don't know of a way to do this with the engine, I've thought about it a bit. I tried experimenting with just adding an invisible box around my model as part of the model. It seemed to work but I don't think I'll end up going that route. The newer elipsoid collision seems to be my best solution.

Posted By: Matt_Aufderheide

Re: Polycollsion - 10/01/04 03:26

elipsoid? how do i activate this?
Posted By: dleuen

Re: Polycollsion - 10/01/04 03:29

enable_polycollision=2 in 6.30 or later.

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