PhysX door with frame breakable. using PH_HINGE constraint

Posted By: nacrug

PhysX door with frame breakable. using PH_HINGE constraint - 03/12/12 12:42

Hi everyone,

I've done my research for shadows and i started to physX plugin with very basic constraints.

What i try to achieve is: there is door with frames and when i press the button i want to door open. However, when i try to use force over break limit of constraint, i want to break door from constraint and fall down to floor. But even i try a lot of things i couldn't be successful.

Here it is my constraint definition;
pXcon_add ( PH_HINGE,door ,doorFrame , 0);
pXcon_setparams1(door, vector(-10.50,0,34.5), vector(0,0,-1), vector(10,10,0));
pXcon_setparams2(door, vector(-90,90,1.5), NULL, NULL);

My door action;

action door()
pXent_setfriction(my, 101);
pXent_setelasticity(my, 0);
pXent_setdamping ( my, 100,100 );
door = my;
// wait(1);


My door frame action;

action doorF()
pXent_setfriction(my, 101);
pXent_setelasticity(my, 0);
pXent_setdamping ( my, 100, 100 );
// pXent_setmass(my,10);
doorFrame = my;



My force functions:

function add_force()
VECTOR temp;
temp.x= 0; temp.y= -0.5; temp.z= 0;
// now myCrate will continue to move along the x axis forever, with constant speed
//pXent_addvelcentral( door, temp );
pXent_addforcecentral( door, temp );

function add_forceWithBreak()
VECTOR temp;
temp.x= 0; temp.y= 50; temp.z= 0;
// now myCrate will continue to move along the x axis forever, with constant speed
//pXent_addvelcentral( door, temp );
pXent_addforcecentral( door, temp );


What it is wrong with that. I couldn't figure out cause. However, when door is moving with little force. When i use "pXcon_remove(door);" it is falling down correctly.

Posted By: rojart

Re: PhysX door with frame breakable. using PH_HINGE constraint - 03/13/12 15:16

Try my example, maybe it helps.

#include <default.c>
#include <ackphysX.h>

ENTITY *EntDoor, *EntFrame;

function main()
	shadow_stencil = 1;
	level_load(""); pXent_settype(NULL,PH_STATIC,PH_PLANE);
	you = ent_createterrain(NULL,nullvector,10,10,70);
	ent_setskin(you, bmap_fill(bmap_createblack(32,32,24),vector(76,51,25),100), 1);
	EntDoor = ent_create(CUBE_MDL,vector(0,0,35),NULL); ent_cloneskin(EntDoor); ent_setskin(EntDoor, bmap_fill(bmap_createblack(32,32,24),vector(76,51,255),100), 1);
	vec_set(EntDoor.scale_x, vector(.5,2,4));
	c_setminmax(EntDoor); set(EntDoor,SHADOW|LIGHT);
	EntFrame = ent_create(CUBE_MDL,vector(0,-25,35),NULL); ent_setskin(EntFrame, bmap_fill(bmap_createblack(32,32,24),vector(76,255,25),100), 1);
	vec_set(EntFrame.scale_x, vector(.5,.5,4.5));
	c_setminmax(EntFrame); set(EntFrame,SHADOW|LIGHT);
	pXcon_add(PH_HINGE, EntDoor, NULL, 1);
	pXcon_setparams1(EntDoor, EntFrame.x, vector(0,0,1), vector(10,10,0));
	pXcon_setparams2(EntDoor, vector(0,90,0), NULL, NULL);
		draw_text("[O] - Open/Close the Door",5,5,COLOR_GREEN);
		draw_text("[B] - Break the Door",5,25,COLOR_RED);
			while (key_o) {wait (1);} pXent_addforcecentral (EntDoor, vector(20,20,0));
			while (key_b) {wait (1);} pXent_addforcecentral (EntDoor, vector(20,0,-500));

Posted By: nacrug

Re: PhysX door with frame breakable. using PH_HINGE constraint - 03/14/12 10:30

Thank you very much. Your example show me the problem. I was trying to wrong masses for objects. Thanks again.
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