making the camera VIEW isometric ?

Posted By: LPF

making the camera VIEW isometric ? - 03/27/12 14:14

simple Question: (and i hope simple Answer)
how can I get the predefined camera to render everything isometric???

ps: set(camera,ISOMETRIC), didn't work...
Posted By: Espér

Re: making the camera VIEW isometric ? - 03/27/12 14:45

But works fine for me..
where did you call the flag-set?
can we see the code?

as far as i remember, you can use
camera.flag2 |= ISOMETRIC;


But i don't know if that works - did you tried it with a second view?
Posted By: 3run

Re: making the camera VIEW isometric ? - 03/27/12 15:32

Simply (works, tested):
set(camera, ISOMETRIC);

Make sure, that you don't reset flag anywhere.
Play with arc, that will change camera distance.
Plus, you should change positions and angles of camera yourself.
Posted By: LPF

Re: making the camera VIEW isometric ? - 03/28/12 18:42

Everything i do doesn't change anything... set(camera, ISOMETRIC) does nothing, all things with a second view too. I do not reset the camera flags and even in a level with only one small WED block and no functions or actions it keeps on being perspective... maybe it doesn't work with the free version of A8???... here is my code:

#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>

function main()



by the way: It's NOT working...
Posted By: Superku

Re: making the camera VIEW isometric ? - 03/28/12 18:52

Indeed, ISOMETRIC is only supported by the Commercial or Pro edition.
Posted By: LPF

Re: making the camera VIEW isometric ? - 03/28/12 19:02

oh... thanks

What I need is the 2D Projection of an 3D world like the 2D views of med, but rendered normal... is it posible to do that without Commercial,Pro or Extra?

(i'm actually saving money for one of them...)

Posted By: fogman

Re: making the camera VIEW isometric ? - 03/30/12 00:44

Set camera.arc to a very small value, e.g. 5.
Posted By: LPF

Re: making the camera VIEW isometric ? - 03/30/12 13:34

thanks... that worked laugh
Posted By: Rackscha

Re: making the camera VIEW isometric ? - 03/30/12 14:28

and btw if ISOMETRIC is part of flag2, its not possible to use set, as this macro only modifies flag and NOT flag2

PS: where in the manual does it say, that this flag is only for Comercial?
Posted By: Widi

Re: making the camera VIEW isometric ? - 03/30/12 15:40


PS: where in the manual does it say, that this flag is only for Comercial?


The view uses an orthogonal projection, rather than a perspective projection. The view frustum is not a cone, but a rectangular area with a size either given by the arc parameter, or by the left, right, bottom, up border parameters . This can be used for isometric games from a bird's view perspective, or for clipping with a rectangular view volume e.g. for PSSM shaders. The distance of the camera to an object does not affect its size on the screen in this mode; this causes far objects - f.i. the sky - to appear extremely magnified. LC

The "LC" at the end means it is from Comercial above...
Posted By: fogman

Re: making the camera VIEW isometric ? - 03/30/12 16:23

[smart ass mode]

That's not quite right. LC stands for lite-C.


Features only available in the upcoming lite-C scripting language are marked with LC

Commercial and above is labeled with "C".

[/smart ass mode]
Posted By: Widi

Re: making the camera VIEW isometric ? - 03/31/12 01:01

Oh, my fault.
But on the homepage of 3dgs under "versions" there will compares the different versions. There is whriting "isometric rendering: only comercial and pro". Maybe this missing at the manual?
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