Hinge attached to entity vertex?

Posted By: EX Citer

Hinge attached to entity vertex? - 10/24/04 02:54


Is it possible to attach a physic hinge object to an vertex of an animated model? So if the model is moving around it´s hanging and swinging on the model like a tail/earring/bottle on the belt? And is it possible with the commerical edition? And how could I do that (even just a hint or idea would be good)?

EX Citer
Posted By: EX Citer

Re: Hinge attached to entity vertex? - 12/16/04 04:37

Can anyone tell me how to attach an object to an animated and moving model. When the model moves or is getting animated, the physicobject should move like something hanging/swinging on the model. For example like the bell of a cow, or as said before like a earring or something like that (a pendulum attached and reacting to a moving model). Does anyone knows how to create such a physics object (with A6 pro)?

EX Citer
Posted By: Marco_Grubert

Re: Hinge attached to entity vertex? - 12/16/04 09:10

Folgendes koennte funktionieren:
- 2 Physikobjekte erstellen, eins fuer das haengende Objekt (a) und eins fuer den Befestigungspunkt (b)
- wenn sich die Figur bewegt hat neue Vertexposition abfragen und nach Objekt (a) kopieren (phent_setenabled , a.x = vertex., phent_setenabled )
Posted By: EX Citer

Re: Hinge attached to entity vertex? - 12/16/04 16:14

Wenn ich die Vertexposition gleich nach Objekt (a) kopiere wozu brauche ich dann Befestigungspunkt object (b)? Müsste sich nicht der Befestigungspunkt bewegen, von dem das hängende Objekt gezogen wird? Aber ich werde es mal versuchen.
Danke für die Hilfe.
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