lighting help requested.

Posted By: Doc_Savage

lighting help requested. - 10/31/12 13:02

Hello all, im having a bit of trouble with lighting. if youl kindy take a look at this screenshot:

this is my acheived result from using a scripted light. which has been provided here:

action light_normal()

          set(my,SHADOW | CAST);
          vec_set(, vector(100, 100, 100));
          my.lightrange = 900;


As you can see, the models are full bright, and the level reacts normally.
the models are fully textured as well.

Am i missing something? or is the lighting engine rather difficult? ive found that with most things, its better to initiate them through scripting or at runtime, rather than in WED. wed itself is a wonderful tool. i find it easy to map out my drawn plans. but this lighting issue has been a fly in my ointment for some time.

Can anyone supply me with a few examples of how to fix this? or at least a few tutorials on scripted lighting? i cant find anything in the 3dgs manual about setting the brightness of scripted lights. maybe a referral to a useful aum issue that has lighting? i would greatly appreciate any and all help in this matter.

I would love to someday, have the lighting in my game the same quality of 3DS MAX when you render a simple 3d object in the program. i would love any help getting there and would be happy to share my results. thank you for taking the time to look this over.
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