SetGammaRamp problem on Windows 8

Posted By: Talemon

SetGammaRamp problem on Windows 8 - 01/21/13 08:03


We're doing color correction for our game via directx's SetGammaRamp function. During our test runs, we observed that it does nothing on windows 8 machines if it's called from the engine, whether from a dll or from regular lite-c code. I tested that function from a regular directx sample and it works as expected.
The strange thing is, everything works as expected when the game is published. I think this may be because when we SED-run the game, it uses different DLLs.
As long as it works on the production code, we're OK with this, so this is just a heads-up.

Here is a modified version of small.c from the samples folder, it should look funky with strange colors:
On windows 8, it looks the same as the original small.c.
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