New Level or Session ?

Posted By: NeoJT

New Level or Session ? - 04/16/13 18:11

Hi... (and sorry for my english)

I am trying to create server and clients game ( like a chess ) ... and so far so good... but

I want to have a server to control all the clients (player_name, client_ID ... chats... blablabla : its ok i have create this )... but

i must create new servers or sessions to control the real game... ???

for example...

I want the 1st server must control the login , the players , and must have the list of all the game_tables.

Now when a client create a new table ( like a chess table ) must be waiting for some other client to join...

I have a question : ( My theory )

Until the game start the client must be waiting to the 1st server...

when the game start must ??? what ???


Must create new server and connect there the clients ( auto : with messages ) or
(some example... tutorials???)

Must create new session and connect there the clients ???
(some example... tutorials???)

Must create new Level (load wmb ?)
( i have tried this but after the level_load ... the client after 10 sec is close . I am thinking that the
reason for that closing is that the client is loadind something different from the server...).
(some example... tutorials???)


and one server can control more than one session ???


There is a way to communicate 2 or more servers to each other ?


Thx you all ( and sorry for my english )

Best Regards.

Posted By: lemming

Re: New Level or Session ? - 04/16/13 19:12

I'm not sure if I understood all of your questions, but some answers:

Traditionally you have a server and clients who connect to the server. I'm not sure what you mean by "session", but if you have a chess like game I don't think it's a problem having a server with multiple clients connected managing different game boards.

Server-Server communication can be done with sockets.
Posted By: NeoJT

Re: New Level or Session ? - 04/16/13 20:16

hi lemming

I know that : One server can created with session_open("namesession"); command
many clients connect with this server with session_connect(...); command.

My question is ... : One server can create many sessions ??? or one server may only create one session...

for example :

The server create one session_open and level_load("level_1") for the control clients and
seccond session_open and level_load("Level_2") with the gameboard... (if it can be done)...

The Clients first connect with session and level ("Level1") for login to server and when select a gameboard from the gameboard list and join or create a new game then the clients connect with the session and level "Level2" which include the gameboard graphics (tables , rules, etc)...

(I am sorry for my english...)

I am thinking that with one server and many clients maybe have problem with lag... commands... or something...
and i am trying to share the jobs to many server...

for example... : one server for served the clients ( login, ids, gameboard_list ) and one server for one gameboard_table...
(The first server give the ok to clients when ready and create new unic "sub-server" dynamic. The "sub-server" turn off when the game end. The "sub-server" is a new .wmp and .wmb program that created when the main server call it).

I dont know if i can do it or if my translate is ok... or ... just me...


Server - to - Server communication with Sockets ? can u write me a link for examles or tutorials ?

thk you...

Best Regars.
Posted By: lemming

Re: New Level or Session ? - 04/16/13 20:48

socket example:

The server create one session_open and level_load("level_1") for the control clients and
seccond session_open and level_load("Level_2") with the gameboard... (if it can be done)...

Check session_open and session_connect. It seems like it can be done. But probably not how you think. I can't test it because I have no Pro version.

I am thinking that with one server and many clients maybe have problem with lag... commands... or something...
and i am trying to share the jobs to many server...

for example... : one server for served the clients ( login, ids, gameboard_list ) and one server for one gameboard_table...
(The first server give the ok to clients when ready and create new unic "sub-server" dynamic. The "sub-server" turn off when the game end. The "sub-server" is a new .wmp and .wmb program that created when the main server call it).

So you host the server and sessions, not the clients? How many players do you expect until the capacity of your host computer is reached?
Posted By: NeoJT

Re: New Level or Session ? - 04/16/13 21:15

i try to make a gameboard (think like a chess) with min 3 players and max 8.

if i have 3 table and max 8 players... 24 players...

i have learn to think that the best protection for any program is to think with the full capacities and posibilities...
( i dont think that the full will be the real but i must think that will be possible... ).

(I have the pro version and i dont know if it possible...
and thx for the links...).

Thx you.
Best Regards.
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