Lighting issue, possible skinning issue

Posted By: xbox

Lighting issue, possible skinning issue - 05/22/14 20:22

I'm not really sure how to approach this problem but I have a red model that I want to be uniformly colored as in, not able to distinguish the many blocks that make up the model. As you can see in this screen shot, the model is not uniformly colored, however the skin for the model is simply a square with a solid red color.

There are no lights in the level because I thought that would prevent this issue in the first place.

Any ideas?
Posted By: DLively

Re: Lighting issue, possible skinning issue - 05/23/14 06:41

are the normals flipped?

Perhaps you need to mesh the texture on the cubes?
Posted By: xbox

Re: Lighting issue, possible skinning issue - 05/23/14 16:02

I do know that the normals are not flipped, but I don't know what you mean by "mesh the texture of the cubes"?? could you clarify please?

I've found that the model looks correct in MED when it is set to "Texture Mapped" which is what I have it set to by default. However the engine is showing the equivalent of "Texture + Gouraud" how do I fix this?
Posted By: DLively

Re: Lighting issue, possible skinning issue - 05/23/14 17:57

When you are skinning a model, you create meshes to place over the skin texture. Make sure you are not just using the upper left pixel for the skin, as I personally noted there are issues if not properly done.
Posted By: xbox

Re: Lighting issue, possible skinning issue - 05/23/14 19:24

I checked the meshes and even re-made the meshes and that didn't solve it. for better clarification, here is the engine preview (on left) and MED 3D view (on right)

I need the left one to look exactly like the right one
Posted By: Superku

Re: Lighting issue, possible skinning issue - 05/23/14 20:01

You simply need to assign a different material than the default mat_model/ Gouraud shading. I would give you a small pixel shader but I see that you are using the free version of A8 (which does not support shaders).
You can still use some fixed function effects which should easily be able to just render the base color but sadly I don't know how to write them (maybe a new thread in the shader forum?).

Alternatively, you can try to create your own material (with the emissive_blue/ red values and so on, maybe try and set all of the others to 0), or use the LIGHT flag (and possible the UNLIT flag, too) to tint a white base skin.
Posted By: xbox

Re: Lighting issue, possible skinning issue - 05/23/14 21:51

Yeah, I've seemingly run into a lot of issues in the past where shaders would have been helpful grin However, as you noticed, I do only have the free version.

I already hat the LIGHT flag set, (forgot I did that) so I went into the model and set the emissive rgb values to 255 for white and that seems to have worked, although I also set power to 100 just in case. The biggest problem is that its time consuming. All of the models have 8 skins, and there are 8 models, so I have to do it 64 times tongue Oh well, I've got nothing better to do. Thanks Superku.

Also, I want to make a black outline on the edge of all of these models. Is it possible without a shader? I was thinking I might have to get all of the vertex numbers and use drawline to connect them all but I think that will be both a waste of time and a memory hog.
Posted By: DLively

Re: Lighting issue, possible skinning issue - 05/24/14 01:54

If You are saying that, that single model is 8 models, then my next theory goes out the window, but make sure your meshes have no holes, and weld all the vertexs together...

perhaps you can find a way to connect the vertexs in runtime, rather than MED / preview ?
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