some questions!

Posted By: Sensadyne

some questions! - 03/12/05 22:16

does exra support physics?
why did gamestudio put the extra trial version on the gamestudio i bought?
then i have to use a cd-r to upgrade to full editin.

soim just curious does the professional edition also use th a6 demo?
if so what if someone downloaded a proffessional update for the a6 trial. would that give them the profesisonal edition?

where can i find these 3dmax eports and maya programs?

there wa a site irember that was full of tutorials from proer organization for mkaing a game to actual scripting and level manipulation. this site had like 300 tutorials !and had movies on how to make model skins.please if u know the url tell me.
Posted By: Konrad_Neitzel

Re: some questions! - 03/12/05 23:22

In Antwort auf:

does exra support physics?

Just look at the 3DGS Homepage. There you find details about all versions. Then you will see, that physik engine is Com / Pro only.

In Antwort auf:

why did gamestudio put the extra trial version on the gamestudio i bought? then i have to use a cd-r to upgrade to full editin.

Not really sure, what you mean. You normaly have a CD with a "demo installation" and a key to activate it.

In Antwort auf:

if so what if someone downloaded a proffessional update for the a6 trial. would that give them the profesisonal edition?

All I know from my experience is, that the updates are different from versin to version, so that you cannot install the update of the extra version over the commercial version. If you try to install the pro Update over the Extra version, you should get an error.

In Antwort auf:

where can i find these 3dmax eports and maya programs?

Don't have max, but on the download page is something about that.

In Antwort auf:

does exra support physics?
why did gamestudio put the extra trial version on the gamestudio i bought?
then i have to use a cd-r to upgrade to full editin.

soim just curious does the professional edition also use th a6 demo?
if so what if someone downloaded a proffessional update for the a6 trial. would that give them the profesisonal edition?

where can i find these 3dmax eports and maya programs?

there wa a site irember that was full of tutorials from proer organization for mkaing a game to actual scripting and level manipulation. this site had like 300 tutorials !and had movies on how to make model skins.please if u know the url tell me.

Just look at the homepage! There you find lots of links! There is a resource-Link where you find a lot of tutorials!

So just check out:

With kind regards,

Posted By: Sensadyne

Re: some questions! - 03/12/05 23:33

okay cool, but i still would like ot findout what that old site was. i use to go there alot. it was like 4 months ago i last visited them. it had movies for making models and skinning them!also had some kind of ent attach tutorial a tutorial with a lady and a dress she put on !
Posted By: Konrad_Neitzel

Re: some questions! - 03/12/05 23:44

Hmm ... there are hundreds of different 3DGS Sites.

Maybe you mean ???
(Grimber's site)

If you use GameSpace: I know, that they have training videos, too.

Hope that helps,

Posted By: Sensadyne

Re: some questions! - 03/13/05 00:28

no no this site had a couple tutorials about trademarks and all kinds of copyright stuff.

stuff about paying profesisonals to make music for your game.
it had many many tutorials!

if irmebr there was a section called

c-scipt 101 or something.
Posted By: WHURL

Re: some questions! - 03/13/05 13:35

Hi Sensadyne,

I'm not sure which site you are after, but when you mentioned lots of video tutorials it made me think of
Posted By: Sensadyne

Re: some questions! - 03/14/05 00:44

sorry but the one i rember has a lighter skin.

tutorials for wed,med, sed

and stuff about legal information and trademarks

one thing irmebr in particular was some kind of tutorial hwere you animate a red dress that the girl puts on. and when shemoves it sways.

it also had the attach entity thing with a robot havinga fish stuck to his horn.
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