[Newton ] Collision Help

Posted By: TheGame

[Newton ] Collision Help - 04/21/05 07:13


I was just working with a simulation n I came across a slight problem with the newton physics engine. It doesnt seem to detect collision with the other AI cars in the world which are not implemented using newton physics. So how do I check for collision in this case?

Well if the above wasnt clear, what i meant was im using newton for the player car n just moving the other AI cars with waypoints. Whats happening here is the player car just goes thru the AI car instead of stopping. So how do I implement the collision in this case? Do i have to make the AI cars as Newton entities as well or is there some other way to it?

Thanx in advance for ur help. Cheers!!
Posted By: TheGame

Re: [Newton ] Collision Help - 04/21/05 07:17

And btw im using the recent A6 demo version for it. And I have a legal A5 pro version. So is something to do with the newton discontinuing their support for A6 as i read in a forum post?
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: [Newton ] Collision Help - 05/02/05 11:15

Mmm, as far as I know, they are still providing support for Newton, even more for A6 than A5...
As for your problem, you should look at the examples at their site, and note that those AI cars should be defined as Newton physics objects too, to make the collisions trigger the physicsengine..

Posted By: fastlane69

Re: [Newton ] Collision Help - 05/02/05 17:37


Mmm, as far as I know, they are still providing support for Newton, even more for A6 than A5...

Newton is not currently supported on A6, though there is talk of re-supporting it in the future.
This doesn't mean that it won't work with A6, just that to Date, Newton is only "guaranteed" to work on A5.

Not using Newton myself, I don't know how this lack of support manifests itself, but until further notice and to the best of my knowledge, Newton and A6 are "AS IS"
Posted By: ventilator

Re: [Newton ] Collision Help - 05/02/05 17:49

the current newton plugin has been designed and developed for a6! it just works with the later a5 versions too because the plugin sdk still was compatible.

...what exactly do you mean with support? newton users can help each other and you can still ask the plugin developer for tips if nobody else can help you. the current plugin probably won't be touched anymore for fixing any potential bugs though. there will be a completely new plugin in the future.
Posted By: fastlane69

Re: [Newton ] Collision Help - 05/02/05 18:35

Sorry Vent...my comment was based on quotes from the Ask Conitec "Newton Forum" thread. I was just trying to capture what I have bolded below:


there hasn't been an update for the 3dgs newton wrapper for a while because it was more rewarding for the newton developer to concentrate on the c-api. the current plugin still works though even if it is quite outdated feature-wise.


It did and still does fully support 3DGS albeit using an older version of the library, and as already stated and confirmed, it will most likely be upgraded when A6.4 is released.

And I think this summarizes what I and perhaps others mean by "lack of support"


the current plugin probably won't be touched anymore for fixing any potential bugs though.

Perhaps a more accurate statement is that the Newton PlugIn was designed for A6.?? and that later versions are unsupported?
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