Frame Rate problem

Posted By: htwarrior

Frame Rate problem - 06/23/05 01:15

Hi, I have a little problem with the fps of my project. When I run my level with a default script (a standard template),I observe at the end of the compilation window : "18 objects" and my fps is just fine : 56.

But, when I run my script ( In which are defined all my entities) with the same level I get at the end of the compilation window:" 632 objects" and my fps is now 30.

The problem is that I am not loading the entities at that point so there is no difference in the number of entities rendered within the first test and the second one.

Thanks in advance
Posted By: htwarrior

Re: Frame Rate problem - 06/23/05 20:46

I will explain better the situation. After loading my level, I use my script for creating the main characters of my game( I have seven characters in my game at any time but these are choosen ramdomly every time my game begins between the 56 characters defined in my script ).

Now I will explain my first post: In the first case I do a test using a standar script instead of my script so I either do not declare or load any aditional entity and my fps is 56. In the second case I use my script but I put an infinite loop in my code before the lines that create the seven characters (entities) so at first glance both cases appears to be the same but I have found at least 26 fps of difference within both cases.

I believe that the difference has to do with the 56 characters defined in my script but I'm not sure.I will appreciate nay comment.

Posted By: Grimber

Re: Frame Rate problem - 06/24/05 09:31

could be allot of factor. poly counts of all those entitys or taking an afult lot of other resources ( big skins? all using stencil shadows?).

your script, you may have allot of redundant loops or overt ammount of calclations repetivly happening

try your scripts with less entities. if still noticable slowdown, start ripping yrou scripts apart.
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