[NEWTON] Sluggish Camaro

Posted By: FoxZero

[NEWTON] Sluggish Camaro - 08/02/05 20:23

I can't figure out all of newtons commands so I cannot counter this issue. I tested several cars with the Newton vehicle action. All of them worked with out issues, 'till I tried a Chevy Camaro. The car can't turn for its life! The car code is modified and I'm using my own map but I don't think that's the issue. The behavior values are the same as the other test cars. The Camaro is rather high in detail, but so is the Newton car. Any help is greatly apriciated.

Sorry, I can't post a shot of my game because the screen shot button doesn't work, here's a picture of the '68 Camaro.


Posted By: Marcio Esper

Re: [NEWTON] Sluggish Camaro - 08/02/05 23:50


Nice car

I am not sure about what do you need.

A car or a script ?

If you have the model, you can use like all other car in the newton examples.

Look if the tyres have placed near a some vertex of the model.

best regards,

Posted By: FoxZero

Re: [NEWTON] Sluggish Camaro - 08/03/05 00:15

I have the car. I use it like all other Newton cars, but it does not act like other newton cars. It has I weird habit of bouncing from its front end and back end like a see-saw (no matter how stiff the shocks) and it can't turn well. I think it's because of the geometry of the car. The standerd Newton car is like a box, where as the '68 Camaro is narrow and low to the ground. I just need to know how to counter this issue. If you need the car let me know. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Posted By: Marcio Esper

Re: [NEWTON] Sluggish Camaro - 08/03/05 03:41

Can you send me the car for I test it here?

Is more esay to solve what is happining.

best regards,

Posted By: FoxZero

Re: [NEWTON] Sluggish Camaro - 08/03/05 18:07

Would you like it emailed, or do you know a place where I can post it online. Its a a small file.
Posted By: Marcio Esper

Re: [NEWTON] Sluggish Camaro - 08/03/05 18:32


You can e-mail me.

If it have less than 5mb


More than 5mb


best regards,

Posted By: FoxZero

Re: [NEWTON] Sluggish Camaro - 08/03/05 19:24

I sent it to your first address. It is 1.5 megs. I appriciate you you looking at this. I sent you specs and code changes as well.
Posted By: Marcio Esper

Re: [NEWTON] Sluggish Camaro - 08/03/05 21:27

Hi, I return the answer.

Here the car work without problem.

Some imagens of your car

Check your code and how you make the car in the map, it need be in a group, in this group, need have a group for the tyres.

best regards,

Posted By: FoxZero

Re: [NEWTON] Sluggish Camaro - 08/03/05 23:22

I got it working better. Everything is set up right. It's most likely the geometry of the car that's giving me a hard time. I increased the suspension dashpot. If anyone has any other suggestions I'll take them. LOL I'd write my own vehicle code with newton but I don't know where to start.
Posted By: Marcio Esper

Re: [NEWTON] Sluggish Camaro - 08/03/05 23:44

Do you try use it with the original newton templat ?

just for try, open the car demo and change the model.

have a lot of open meshes in this model, I think it will not solve your problem, but try close it.

best regards.

Posted By: FoxZero

Re: [NEWTON] Sluggish Camaro - 08/04/05 00:31

This dream car is anoying! I closed up the meshes, but I acidently attached the body to the undercarriage. This caused a huge skin problem. There are too mavy vertices. I don't know how to opitimize. Oh well. Tried it in the demo. Same results. I need to learn how to fully understand newton. Anyone know a tutorial that explains every newton command?
Posted By: Marcio Esper

Re: [NEWTON] Sluggish Camaro - 08/04/05 21:06

I do not know why it work here and not in your machine

It is a mystery.

Do you use the newton game dinamics 1.51 ?

If you use an old version, try instal this 1.51.

If i have an other idea I say to you.

best regards,

Posted By: FoxZero

Re: [NEWTON] Sluggish Camaro - 08/04/05 21:32

I have the latest version. It runs, but with horrible handling. I'm posting a beta so everyone can see for themselves.
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