What's faster

Posted By: Spaz

What's faster - 10/25/05 14:49

Does GS run faster if you have an action attached to a terrain with a line of code that says, "my.invisible = on;" or if you simply check off "invisible" in the terrain's property box?
Posted By: Excessus

Re: What's faster - 10/25/05 15:30

I think an action would be slower, since it would make the entity dynamic.
Posted By: Spaz

Re: What's faster - 10/25/05 20:53

Thanks. That's what I thought, but I wanted to make sure.
Posted By: ulillillia

Re: What's faster - 10/25/05 22:33

Making an entity invisible will make it render faster since it doesn't have to be processed. To turn the dynamic off again, set my.dynamic = off in the action.
Posted By: Excessus

Re: What's faster - 10/26/05 11:49

True, but why create an action, set the entity to invissible and non dynamic when you could achieve the same effect by just setting the flag in WED?
Posted By: r00tsh3ll

Re: What's faster - 10/26/05 14:03

Because I dont use WED to create the map (level or whatever you want to call it).
Posted By: Thomas_Nitschke

Re: What's faster - 11/01/05 13:09

...and because ulillillia, in one of his hundreds of bug reports ( just kidding ) found out that an entity that has explicitely been defines as static (i.e. my.dynmaic=off) is, strange as that seems, for some reason faster than an entity with no action at all - although in the latter case, the dynamic flag should have also been set to zero automatically.
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