how to use multimonitor in 3dgamestudio

Posted By: eaglelab

how to use multimonitor in 3dgamestudio - 01/24/06 10:01

i want to use 3 monitor make a panauision game, how to use multimonitor in 3dgamestudio
Posted By: laethyn

Re: how to use multimonitor in 3dgamestudio - 01/24/06 15:21

multimonitor during run time or build time?

During build time, you'll just have to set up your environment just like you do for every other program.

As for during run time, I'm not sure it's possible. My first thought would be to set your screen_size.x as the monitor * 3, then just seperate your game as a panel for each monitor, but the engine has limitations that won't allow that large.
Posted By: Doug

Re: how to use multimonitor in 3dgamestudio - 01/24/06 19:39

Off the top of my head, I don't recall what (if any) upper limit you have on a single window. I've been able to span two monitors with a single 3DGS windows but I haven't had a three monitor setup to test on.

You can also run multiple copies of 3DGS on a single machine, making each window appear on a different monitor and networking them to move together (Comm or Pro versions only).

The only problem with both these methods is that things can get very slow unless you have a really powerful computer (or a really simple level). If you want to go all out, I recommend networking 3 machines together, each one running the level on a single screen.
Posted By: Thomas_Nitschke

Re: how to use multimonitor in 3dgamestudio - 01/25/06 06:27

I would try stretching the window across all three monitors and then have A6 use three instead of one view (default view is "camera"). Create three views and place them one on each monitor, then somehow synchronize them. But don't you ask me how, will you
Posted By: ventilator

Re: how to use multimonitor in 3dgamestudio - 01/25/06 06:34

i already answered in the other thread. i worked on a project which uses three monitors with a parhelia. you just have to set the right full screen resolution with video_set. the video driver handles the rest. networking probably won't lead to good results because of lag.

you can connect three views/cameras with ang_add like in this example:
// camera_left + camera_right + camera should have the same settings (fov,...) and you have to set their pos_x correctly
vec_set(camera_left.x, camera.x);
vec_set(camera_right.x, camera.x);
vec_set(camera_left.pan, vector(fov, 0, 0));
vec_set(camera_right.pan, vector(-fov, 0, 0));
ang_add(camera_left.pan, camera.pan); // uses quaternion rotation
ang_add(camera_right.pan, camera.pan);

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