Strange Intermittent Engine Crash

Posted By: marxist_reloaded

Strange Intermittent Engine Crash - 07/27/06 00:05

This is one of those problems that is probably extremely difficult to diagnose, but I going to ask it anyhow, in case someone else has the same problem...

I have a game which runs perfectly virtually all of the time (honest!). Very occasionally the game will not run either from within WED or in it's published executable form. The screen just flickers to black and then returns to WED or the desktop. There are no messages, nothing. When this happens I restart (no effect), run Aquamark (all OK), run dxdiag (passes all the tests). Then, a few days later the game will run again - *and I have done nothing to the game in the interim*. Once I was showing the game at an event and it wouldn't run, even though it ran just before I left home! It was terrible.

Any ideas on how I can diagnose this problem?

System specs:
Windows XP Pro SP 2
DirectX 9.0c
ATI Radeon 9000, 64MB RAM
with latest Omega drivers (happened before and after installing the drivers)
1.6 mHz centrino
Posted By: Damocles

Re: Strange Intermittent Engine Crash - 07/30/06 20:26

is this a 9000 mobility?

I have lots of problems too with 3dGS and my vidio card.
Posted By: marxist_reloaded

Re: Strange Intermittent Engine Crash - 08/02/06 20:51

Yes, it is the ATI Mobility 9000.
Posted By: Scramasax

Re: Strange Intermittent Engine Crash - 08/11/06 19:39

I've found similar problems on all sorts of ATI cards. Update the card drivers, and I bet it fixes the problem.

How to detect these bad drivers for other machines is still a question that's up in the air, for me at least.

My poor ignored thread
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