weighted vertexs

Posted By: FoxHound

weighted vertexs - 12/12/06 15:15

From the forcast page

"Multiple bones per vertex, with vertex weights."

Is it possible that this function will be released within 6.5 or 6.6? If you need more beta testers to go for these functions then memmbers of the evolve team would be glad to join as we need this for our game.
Posted By: FoxHound

Re: weighted vertexs - 12/18/06 14:16

Posted By: jcl

Re: weighted vertexs - 12/18/06 14:18

6.50 was finished some time ago, and 6.60 is not too far away, so it's unlikely that vertex weight makes it in either. Although this feature is planned, we've not yet started to develop it.
Posted By: FoxHound

Re: weighted vertexs - 12/18/06 16:07

Ok, concerning this post.


When could this flag be implanted? As the project I'm on needs bones with weighted vertex that I'm willing to make them myself if needed.
Posted By: dib

Re: weighted vertexs - 12/21/06 01:25

"When could this flag be implanted? As the project I'm on needs bones with weighted vertex that I'm willing to make them myself if needed. "

it is for that trials exists!
before buying a game engine you have to see in first place if it has the feture that you desire (vertex weights)
mainly when "this engine" says to be "PROFESSIONAL" > without multiple vertex weights > it only can be joke !!!

conitec says that it plans this already some years!!!

a majority of the BAD animators who use A6 does not know what weight vertex is !!!
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