Posted By: Ran Man

A7 and PLAYER_MOVE - 02/06/07 18:09

Will Gamestudio A7 work with PLAYER_MOVE?

player_move(); //Call A5 template action walk, run, swim, ect...

What about ENT_MOVE and TRACE? Will that work also?

result = ent_move (reldist, absdist);

I need a higher framerate...
Posted By: jcl

Re: A7 and PLAYER_MOVE - 02/06/07 19:01

A7 will be compatible to A6.50, so anything working with the current version will also work under A7. However when you begin a new project you should not use old A5 code. Use at least the A6 templates.
Posted By: Ran Man

Re: A7 and PLAYER_MOVE - 02/06/07 20:58

Thank you very much and thanks for making a great product.

I thank you and also the creatures thank you below.


Posted By: demiGod

Re: A7 and PLAYER_MOVE - 02/06/07 22:40

Great disco!
Posted By: William

Re: A7 and PLAYER_MOVE - 02/07/07 06:27

It'd be neat if Noah started break dancing. Is this disco hall built right into the Ark?
Posted By: Ran Man

Re: A7 and PLAYER_MOVE - 02/18/07 21:06

Gee, I did not answer because I forgot about this thread. Sorry!


It'd be neat if Noah started break dancing. Is this disco hall built right into the Ark?

Yes, the animals approach the ark in a normal fashion, the ark door opens, they walk inside the ark and the door closes behind them. <boom!>

The rock music then starts playing and woo, ha, ha!
They jump, spin and do different stuff randomly with the spot lights moving in random fashion.

It's all on the ark! It's a dance celebration! Haha!

Now, each creature is CLICKABLE! The mouse cursor is an animal paw and you can see it in the bottom right corner.

If you click on Noah, then different bible verses will sound off. If you click on a animal, then they sound off with their native sound and then start dancing solo with all the spotlights on that one creature.

Yes, Blat is making a different dancing Noah right now.

The altar has different particle effects with many colors coming out of it.

This is just one feature. There is also a outdoor dance at night time with fireworks. Of course there is also the race itself. The creatures have to race through hurdles, a random glass maze and into a cave. Over exploding barrels, into the random fire geysers and the overhead smashers which randomly appear. <yeow!> Through more exploding barrels and then the many Pirannah fish in the water and into the finish line!

Other race levels have crows that poop on the players, cave drop jumps, a goat stampede, tumbleweeds, earthquakes, mosquito's, exploding hydrogen balloons, bats, etc, etc...

Nobody dies, but they do lots of sqealing in their native animal sounds and they get delayed. Some creatures can jump better than others, some swim faster than others and some are faster on land.

Of course, there is lots of FOOD to eat and be energized with! Yum! Those bones and mellons taste so good!

This is FUN!!! But a lot of work. FUN THOUGH! GOOODDDDD!!!!! It's over half way done. I'm just trying to score a thousand points on everybody's fun scale.

Hey, but nice talking with you guys...
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