A7 Feature Comparison Chart

Posted By: vlau

A7 Feature Comparison Chart - 03/22/07 15:09


Is there any chance to publish A7 Feature Comparison Chart
between different edition on the FAQ page?

Posted By: jcl

Re: A7 Feature Comparison Chart - 03/22/07 15:23

Yes, we'll publish a comparison chart when A7 is released. Basically the features will be mostly the same as for A6, but the physics engine and the BSP tree renderer are swapped. Physics will be available in all editions, BSP rendering will be Pro-only.
Posted By: MaxF

Re: A7 Feature Comparison Chart - 03/22/07 15:47


When do you think A7 will be out just like to know so I can buy my upgrade before.

Plus - this mean if I don't upgrade I will lose BSP.
Posted By: jcl

Re: A7 Feature Comparison Chart - 03/22/07 16:04

A7 will take some time, but a prerelease for A6 owners will be available soon. - Yes, you will lose BSP, but you can still use the A6 renderer. However in many cases, especially outdoor levels, the new ABT renderer is faster than the current BSP renderer, so normally you'll gain speed with A7.
Posted By: MaxF

Re: A7 Feature Comparison Chart - 03/22/07 19:37


Will all users get the prerelease, should I upgrade before the prerelease or after?
Posted By: TWO

Re: A7 Feature Comparison Chart - 03/22/07 20:12

Cool You switched the physics engine? You meant just that it'll be aviable in std or you meant something like PhysX?
Posted By: Frederick_Lim

Re: A7 Feature Comparison Chart - 03/23/07 05:24

Seems the gap between Com and Pro is closer and closer.

What other "exclusive" features for Pro only?
Posted By: jcl

Re: A7 Feature Comparison Chart - 03/23/07 06:39

The same as before, plus some new features, like distribution management.

Generally, the principle is the same: You won't need the Pro Edition - Commercial will suffice - unless it's a really ambitious project and/or you go for the big money.
Posted By: vlau

Re: A7 Feature Comparison Chart - 03/23/07 06:42


What other "exclusive" features for Pro only?

I think the LOD feature is available for PRO edition only.

@JCL, can you publish the Chart earlier? I think many users are
interested to see it ASAP.
Posted By: Orange Brat

Re: A7 Feature Comparison Chart - 03/23/07 06:51

Given 3DGS has been a BSP engine for most of its existence I think moving it to Pro is a bit questionable. Some of us have built our long term projects around BSP, and essentially forcing a Pro upgrade to continue on this path isn't right in my mind. However, if ABT is beneficial for indoor levels then it's basically a null point.
Posted By: Don Pedro

Re: A7 Feature Comparison Chart - 03/23/07 08:05

Yeah, it would be great to see the comparison chart before the initial launch!
Posted By: MaxF

Re: A7 Feature Comparison Chart - 03/23/07 15:02


Can you please let me know the following:

1) Will all users get the prerelease?
2) Should I upgrade before the prerelease or after?

Posted By: jcl

Re: A7 Feature Comparison Chart - 03/23/07 15:37

1) The prerelease is only for users who ordered or upgraded in the last 2 months and have a key valid for A7 (xxxxx.key file in the Gstudio6 folder).

2) You can not order before the prerelease because I'm just uploading it - so your order would come a little too late . Anyway it only matters when you wait too long until A7 is 'officially' released and replaces A6. Then an upgrade to a higher edition would become a cross-update at an accordingly higher price.
Posted By: FBL

Re: A7 Feature Comparison Chart - 03/24/07 12:37

Is there any chance to upgrade from A5 pro to A7 pro?
Posted By: Frederick_Lim

Re: A7 Feature Comparison Chart - 03/24/07 12:46

I have A5 Pro and upgraded to A6 Pro last month, now got the A7 prelease. It use the same A6 .key file.

I think upgrade from A5 Pro to A7 Pro will be more expensive.
Posted By: FBL

Re: A7 Feature Comparison Chart - 03/24/07 13:04

The question is: can I still upgrade or is it too late, now the prerelease seems to be there?

edit: ok, I can still upgrade to A6 Pro in the shop, but I have a problem

I haven't bought a new 3d Gamestudio edition since A3 days. This is no joke! I won all other editions since then and got my A4 and A5 legally this way. Now I don't have a receipt number I can enter for upgrading. I have A4/A5 key files and I should still have the password which was used for downloads of A4 and A5 versions.

What am I suposed to enter?
My A5 key file doesn't seem to contain personal information yet, so how can I prove that I got everything legally and can upgrade my A5 Pro edition?

The last receipt I have is a free upgrade to A4 commercial because the last Version of A3 was bugged. It's from February 2000....
A5 Pro must have been an email update. I lost the PC together with the drive where all mails were stored due to lightning damage several years ago, thogh
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: A7 Feature Comparison Chart - 03/25/07 19:48

Better send an email to sales@conitec or whatever the sales email address is, they'll surely know your edition since you're in their database too,

Posted By: jcl

Re: A7 Feature Comparison Chart - 03/26/07 14:00


I can still upgrade to A6 Pro in the shop, but I have a problem

I haven't bought a new 3d Gamestudio edition since A3 days. This is no joke! I won all other editions since then

You should be able to get the update nevertheless. The contest winners are supposed to be also on our user list. Just enter something like "Contest Winner Spring 2004" in the info field. The info field is only used for verification.
Posted By: FBL

Re: A7 Feature Comparison Chart - 03/26/07 17:42

Thanks for the info.

I already palced an order this weekend using one of the receipt numbers.
I have no answer yet, so I'll wait until I get something and then place my order again in case it is rejected.
Posted By: FBL

Re: A7 Feature Comparison Chart - 03/29/07 17:49

just as info:
I contacted the support today. Something seemed have to gone worng with my first order (browser issue?). I ordered again and within an hour I got the answer that I can upgrade my A5 Pro.
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