
Posted By: LazyDog

wmpio.dll - 08/19/07 19:32

hi, I've converted your wmpio.h header file to delphi. Now, I have an issue.
did you compile this dll without using c style for exports like you have done for the entire A7 SDK? the reason I ask is that I cannot see any of the export names for functions or the index values when I do a dump of the dll like I can with the sdk dll's.

I belive that I will need to access the functions through their index values instead of their names because of this; however, I cannot see the index values either. can you supply these values?

by the way, your .h file did not have any copyright information so if you would post what copyright info you would like in file.

here is what I used so far
// Acknex engine WmpIO header for C++
// (c) Conitec / jcl 2004
Posted By: jcl

Re: wmpio.dll - 08/22/07 05:33

I don't know how wmpio.dll was compiled, but I'll forward your question to Wladimir.
Posted By: Wlad

Re: wmpio.dll - 08/26/07 17:47

Functions are exported by ordinal, here is the DEF file:


; Explicit exports can go here
wmpio_OpenFile @1 NONAME
wmpio_SetAltFileOpenProc @2 NONAME
wmpio_DestroyLoader @3 NONAME
wmpio_GetFileVersion @4 NONAME
wmpio_GetFileTyp @5 NONAME

wmpio_GetPalette @6 NONAME
wmpio_GetWad @7 NONAME
wmpio_GetFolder @8 NONAME
wmpio_GetBookMark @9 NONAME
wmpio_GetCameraDef @10 NONAME

wmpio_GetObject @11 NONAME

wmpio_GetVertex @12 NONAME
wmpio_GetFace @13 NONAME
wmpio_GetPlane @14 NONAME
wmpio_GetTexture @15 NONAME

wmpio_OpenOutFile @16 NONAME
wmpio_CloseOutFile @17 NONAME
wmpio_WriteObject @18 NONAME
wmpio_WriteWedStc @19 NONAME
wmpio_SetDefaultTexture @20 NONAME

wmpio_GetObjectCount @21 NONAME
wmpio_GetBlockCount @22 NONAME
wmpio_GetEntityCount @23 NONAME
wmpio_GetBlocksMode @24 NONAME

wmpio_GetLastError @25 NONAME
wmpio_GetLastErrorString @26 NONAME
wmpio_GetErrorString @27 NONAME
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