video_switch, video_set , 7.06 and 8800gtx

Posted By: Rich

video_switch, video_set , 7.06 and 8800gtx - 10/11/07 13:23


I am wondering if there have been any bug reports about Video_set or video_switch problems in 7.06. I should have posted about this when it was first released, but I thought others might, and I stuck to 7.05.

It seems to be a driver related issue, I have a Nvidia 8800gtx. With my current drivers, video_switch, video_set, or using the F5 function to change resolution does nothing. I published the project and tested it on my laptop and the functions are working, so I believe it has to do with my drivers. However, this problem did not occur with my 8800gtx and 7.05.

I am using these drivers:
These are not official drivers, but I have my reason's for needing to use them, this problem did not occur in 7.05. I need to use these drivers because of conflicts with other application I use, they seem to work fine (better) with everything else. I have not tested it with the latest official Nvidia drivers, only because this will result in me having to format and re-install windows again. Anyone else with an 8800gtx experiencing this?

Just wanted to see if there was any way around it, or maybe if it would be an easy fix. Until then I am stuck with 640x480.

I am sorry for posting this under "ask conitec", but being that it appears to be a driver issue, its not an engine bug, so I am not sure where to post it.

Posted By: dennis

Re: video_switch, video_set , 7.06 and 8800gtx - 10/11/07 13:35

I have an 8800 GTS but with original nvidia drivers and video_switch is working...

Perhaps you have not included <default.c> or tried to use your normal desktop resolution in windowed mode...
Posted By: jcl

Re: video_switch, video_set , 7.06 and 8800gtx - 10/11/07 13:49

A driver problem that prevents you from changing the resolution is unlikely. Usually driver problems have other effects.

The first two things to look into when you encounter such problems are a) the manual and b) your script.
Posted By: Rich

Re: video_switch, video_set , 7.06 and 8800gtx - 10/11/07 14:02

I bit the bullet and tried the latest official driver, and the problem disappeared, but my problems with other applications (sluggish MS3d, silo, MED, C4D, ect) returned.

I uninstalled the official drivers, and reinstalled the previous, and now the problem is no longer present. I made no changes to the script.

Odd, but it works... .

Thanks for your help!
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