Network traffic

Posted By: FlorianP

Network traffic - 03/11/08 14:59


is there a possibility to prevent the Engine from sending any Data in an Client/Server Application excepting the send-functions, hartbeats and connect/disconnect packages?
I already tried to set dplay_entrate to -1 and started all entities in local mode but about 50 bytes are still send per least the statistics-panel says it.

Posted By: fastlane69

Re: Network traffic - 03/11/08 21:05

Look up and use the entity.nosend commands.
Posted By: FlorianP

Re: Network traffic - 03/12/08 05:52

Thats not what i want(and i already tried it) - i got only local entities and i think there are other information sent and i dont need them to be sent.
Posted By: jcl

Re: Network traffic - 03/12/08 10:36

Server and client send keepalive messages. They are required, otherwise the client would be disconnected.

The network protocol in described in the manual.
Posted By: FlorianP

Re: Network traffic - 03/12/08 14:35

Well there are about 500 bytes per second sent even if I set dplay-pingrate to e.g. 32 - thats a bit much for a heartbeat-signal I think...So either my sniffingtool is wrong or Acknex sends other data.
I read the manual many but the only thing i want to know - are there any data send except the heartbeat and entity-updates?
Posted By: fastlane69

Re: Network traffic - 03/12/08 22:20

I have NEVER trusted the on screen network display for accuracy. Pick up "Ethereal", a packet sniffer, and do you own external investigations.

In answer to your question, those are the only two elements that get sent automatically: entity updates and hearthbeats. Functionally they are the same, being sent at the same time, but as JCL states, you can shut everything down except the heartbeat for lacking that is a signal to the server and client that they have been disconnected.

However you are right: at entrate 32, it should theoretically be sending an update every two seconds and then not of 500. Like I said, try an external measure.
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