a6 pro for less (without support & upgrade option)

Posted By: broozar

a6 pro for less (without support & upgrade option) - 05/04/08 13:58

hi jcl,

as a7 is the new 3dgs flagship, i wondered if there are plans to give away a6 pro for a remarkably lower price.

original price: 899€ minus 50% (old version): 450€ and minus support: 250€, something around that?

i would be mainly interested in a6 pro's file packaging system, that's why i see no need for me to update to a7 as all i wish to do in gs works well in a6 (yet).

thanks for considering.
Posted By: old_bill

Re: a6 pro for less - 05/04/08 15:20

This would only make sense if these editions are barred from upgrading to A7 Pro, otherwise jcl would throw away a good bunch of bucks. ;\)
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: a6 pro for less - 05/04/08 18:39

I definitely would not like it if A6 pro users would be barred from upgrading to A7 pro!!!

It would mean that I can't upgrade to A7 pro anymore for EUR 234.45, which to be honest is a great deal. I'm still working on A6 projects and am waiting for certain bugs to be fixed, but eventually I will upgrade.


i would be mainly interested in a6 pro's file packaging system, that's why i see no need for me to update to a7 as all i wish to do in gs works well in a6 (yet).

If that's really the only thing you are looking for, then I'd suggest you to look into Lion_TS's tools. They aren't as expensive as A6 or A7 pro.
Posted By: broozar

Re: a6 pro for less - 05/04/08 20:21

 Originally Posted By: PHeMoX
If that's really the only thing you are looking for, then I'd suggest you to look into Lion_TS's tools. They aren't as expensive as A6 or A7 pro.
i totally knew that this was coming, and yes, i know that there are alternatives, but a) they do all feel not being in a mature, productive state b) most of them require some kind of code customisation and c) it's not the same after all.

yes, i'm fine with excluding these versions ("a6 dead end edition") from updating to a7. I did not think about that in the first place, but it makes perfectly sense, otherwise it would be commercial suicide.

--> edited
Posted By: D3D

Re: a6 pro for less - 05/07/08 10:39

I agree with Broozar (including Old Bill's reply) although my words have little meaning. If a new product is released the older version becomes cheaper in regular stores. And if someone doesn't aks for support to go along then why not? And yes I know Conitec never did this in the past nor is it a regular store, but if nobody asks we never know.
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: a6 pro for less - 05/08/08 04:24

i think hes referring to barring a special license type phemox, not current pro users.
Posted By: broozar

Re: a6 pro for less - 05/12/08 22:10

this is not a joke. i know several people who are not willing to upgrade to a7, but would get a6 pro (upgrade a6 comm -> a6 pro) for a lower price (with lower i mean something around 250€), and they wouldn't care for the update restriction.
Posted By: jcl

Re: a6 pro for less - 05/13/08 11:05

Old software versions are often offered for a lower price, but this rule does not apply to game engines. Here we prefer when people use the newest version.
Posted By: broozar

Re: a6 pro for less - 05/14/08 19:14

i understand that, however, from the commercial point of view, it is not reasonable.

say, 10 a6 comm users do not want to updte to a7. if you sell them a zero-support, not updatable a6 pro upgrade, conitec would get cash that it would not acquire as these people wouldn't upgrade to a7 but switch the engine.
cash for an old version that you would otherwise never get. sounds like a nobrainer to me.

but yes, i'm not the one making the decisions. noone can force us to update. but noone forces us to stay with acknex either.
Posted By: oliver2s

Re: a6 pro for less - 05/14/08 19:22

I guess the count of the people who don't wanna upgrade is low enough to ignore them, even if the bring money. And I guess Conitec made enough money with hundred of other people which bought and upgraded to A7 wink
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