snd_play playing in one speaker

Posted By: mpdeveloper_B

snd_play playing in one speaker - 09/05/08 21:39

I have a small issue when using snd_play to play my audio files. When playing a sound it plays only in the right channel. The issue doesn't change whether the sound is stereo or mono. The functions I am using are more-or-less this:

sound subgun = <gunfire01.wav>;

snd_play(subgun, 25, 0);

snd play being in a function, of course. The only time I can get the sound remotely balanced is when I set the balance to -100, but it is random whether the sound plays correctly or not.
Posted By: cro_games

Re: snd_play playing in one speaker - 09/05/08 23:56

Is that problem with all sounds,or only with that one? It works fine to me..
You can get that problem if the balance in the OS "Volume Control" isn't set right..
Posted By: mpdeveloper_B

Re: snd_play playing in one speaker - 09/06/08 01:52

the sounds only happen that way in 3DGS and it happens to all sounds. I've checked my options from the Volume Control, and nothing's wrong. If I'm playing music or other video games I don't have the issue, and it happens on multiple PCs, all of the ones that we use to test on.
Posted By: cro_games

Re: snd_play playing in one speaker - 09/06/08 06:15

That is than problem with 3DGS,did you try to reinstall it?
Posted By: mpdeveloper_B

Re: snd_play playing in one speaker - 09/08/08 01:06

I'm not so sure that's the issue, one of the pcs has had 3DGS reinstalled recently because of some problems before, and it still has issues.

I also don't think it's the sound card because each pc has a different card on it, I've had the issue on all the pcs I've tested it on. As I mentioned before, changing the balace of the sound does next to nothing. Only when the sound is turned to -100 does it work semi correctly, and even then it's random if it works at all.
Posted By: jcl

Re: snd_play playing in one speaker - 09/08/08 06:36

Hmm, I'm not sure how I can help here. I'm no PC sound card specialist. If you, as you say, have this problem with all your sounds and all your PCs, I hope that it's not a matter for an ear specialist wink.

Reinstalling 3DGS does not help with such issues. The first thing is checking what all your sounds might have in common - maybe you've created stereo sounds with volume on one channel only. Next, look for possible PC problems. Maybe you have the same driver or background program installed on your PCs that tampers with sound playing. Finally, check if your speakers are properly plugged in. That's all possibilities I can think of.
Posted By: mpdeveloper_B

Re: snd_play playing in one speaker - 09/08/08 13:48

An ear specialist, lol.

But like I mentioned jcl, it's only 3DGS, no other program does it, and all of my settings for the sound cards are correct.
Posted By: jcl

Re: snd_play playing in one speaker - 09/08/08 17:09

Yes, I understood that, but 3DGS has no own sound player. It's using DirectSound. And if DirectSound were playing only one channel, I guess someone had noticed this meanwhile and complained to Bill Gates. So there's probably not much we could do from the 3DGS side to help you. You need to fix this yourself, and find the reason first with some elimination method as I suggested above.
Posted By: mpdeveloper_B

Re: snd_play playing in one speaker - 09/09/08 18:46

thanks, jcl. Got a plugin.
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: snd_play playing in one speaker - 09/09/08 19:01

Originally Posted By: mpdeveloper_B
But like I mentioned jcl, it's only 3DGS, no other program does it, and all of my settings for the sound cards are correct.

Did you use a converter program to change your sound files? I had a problem with sounds turning into mono, left channel only by using a certain program to convert ogg files to wav and back.

Posted By: mpdeveloper_B

Re: snd_play playing in one speaker - 09/10/08 01:41

I thought that would be the issue too, but that's not the case. I've noticed the only way to fix the problem was to turn off hardware acceleration for directsound, so I got a plugin...
Posted By: William

Re: snd_play playing in one speaker - 03/13/09 19:22

I've been experiencing this problem as well with 5.1 speakers and an Creative X-FI card. Everything only plays through the center channel. Regardless is the file is mono, or stereo. Everything else past 3DGS works just fine. I do not understand why we would have to turn off hardware acceleration? Is this a Directsound problem or A7 problem? As in the directxdiag all the tests of audio work just fine, but they do not work in A7.

I turned off hardware acceleration in the DirectX diag, and now it plays through all speakers but it's stuttering, songs start and stop, everythings messed up, and what works doesn't sound as good. I am also wondering if there is a speed decrease because of this "emulated" sound... I'm not really certain on what to do here?
Posted By: William

Re: snd_play playing in one speaker - 03/13/09 19:25

I've also read that Vista doesn't have user options to turn off hardware acceleration. Does this mean 3dgs won't work properly with creative cards on Vista?
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