I see PSSM romoved from forecast?

Posted By: MaxF

I see PSSM romoved from forecast? - 10/17/08 15:16



I see PSSM been removed from forecast, Conitec not going to add that now, what was reason?
Posted By: jcl

Re: I see PSSM romoved from forecast? - 10/17/08 15:34

Such a question is sort of hard to answer as I am not aware of having removed PSSM. Even for me it's difficult to remove something that isn't there.
Posted By: NITRO777

Re: I see PSSM romoved from forecast? - 10/18/08 14:38

Even for me it's difficult to remove something that isn't there.
Nothing is impossible for you jcl grin

I have heard rumors that you can even divide by zero if you really want to grin
Posted By: Pappenheimer

Re: I see PSSM romoved from forecast? - 10/18/08 14:47

A competitor of Chuck Norris, then! laugh
Posted By: Invader

Re: I see PSSM romoved from forecast? - 10/21/08 11:24

i saw it too. why is it removed now? i really waited for that moment and suddenly...

Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: I see PSSM romoved from forecast? - 10/21/08 15:19

What was it supposed to be, assuming it was indeed there but removed (unlikely)?

A Parallel-Split Shadow Map?

Posted By: MaxF

Re: I see PSSM romoved from forecast? - 10/23/08 13:43

Sure I saw it there, because I remember being so happy that it was on the cards.

And JCL did say it was planned.

Z Buffer shadows are a relict from A5 and make the engine unnecessarily complicated. Currently A7 contains 3 kernels, A5, A6, and A7, and I want to get rid of the A5 kernel that is only used for z buffer shadows.

A PSSM shader is planned.

Stencil shadows are slow because they don't use shaders. If the PSSM shader turns out to be not quite the hit, we'll implement shader based stencil shadows as an alternative.

see page = PSSM

Posted By: Petra

Re: I see PSSM romoved from forecast? - 10/23/08 13:48

I look there regularly and it's always "Soft Shadow Mapping", I've never seen mentioned a certain algorithm like PSSM on the Forecast.
Posted By: MaxF

Re: I see PSSM romoved from forecast? - 10/23/08 13:52

I look there every day smile

Beta and Forecast is my daily religion smile

Sure I saw it, but whatever does not matter - JCL did say it was planned smile

There is a better one in ShaderX6 for PSSM for all cards even old ones.

Posted By: jcl

Re: I see PSSM romoved from forecast? - 10/23/08 13:58

Yes, it's planned. But we don't put such details on the forecast. I guess you were confusing this with some remark on the forum. However it's ok when you see things that other people can not see - this opens a wonderful world of phantasy for you smile.

- thanks for the book offer, but we have it already - we have a whole shelf with shader, graphics and programming books.
Posted By: MaxF

Re: I see PSSM romoved from forecast? - 10/23/08 14:03

lol - yes my world is fun smile
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