"No to all" error

Posted By: RyuMaster

"No to all" error - 10/29/08 22:42

Hi! During level import from fbx, I get "No to all" message for some level parts. I import all level parts as mdl models. Those parts ,which gets "No to all" dialog message, are missing after load is finished. Where do this message comes from? It looks not like error. Simple dialog message with OK button.
Posted By: Wlad

Re: "No to all" error - 10/30/08 13:38

At the moment I cannot explain this. "No to all" is a part of the WED messages, and should appear as label for a button.
Can you send me the FBX level and level_name.imfl file (this file should be automatically generated in FBX-level folder) at stolipin@conitec.com ?
Posted By: RyuMaster

Re: "No to all" error - 11/01/08 21:06

Thanks, I'll mail it to You tomorrow. There are some more oddity to this level, like broken meshes and odd rotations, I'll describe it all in mail so You can test it.
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