Chunked Terrains

Posted By: TechMuc

Chunked Terrains - 04/21/09 08:35

Sorry, ich bin mir zu 100% sicher das im Manual gelesen zu haben, aber bei welcher Vertices Zahl funktioniert das Deformieren von Terrains mit ent_getvertex/ent_setvertex?
Ich habe a paar Tests gemacht (terrain chunk = 32). 129x129,97x97,65x65 funktionieren nicht, 130x130, 131x131 u. 132x132, 147x147 usw. funktionierten..

Stimmt also die Annahme, dass ent_get(set)vertex bei ((Terrain_Chunk*n)+1) Vertices nicht funktioniert?

Wie gesagt, ist eigentlich nahe liegend, aber ich mag ganz sicher gehen.
Posted By: jcl

Re: Chunked Terrains - 04/24/09 05:14

Nein. Aber Sie müssen andere Dinge beachten. Alle Besonderheiten von ent_setvertex und chunked Terrain können Sie im Handbuch unter "Remarks" nachlesen. Dort finden Sie auch ein Beispiel.
Posted By: FBL

Re: Chunked Terrains - 04/24/09 07:01

Originally Posted By: TechMuc
Sorry, ich bin mir zu 100% sicher das im Manual gelesen zu haben, aber bei welcher Vertices Zahl funktioniert das Deformieren von Terrains mit ent_getvertex/ent_setvertex?
Ich habe a paar Tests gemacht (terrain chunk = 32). 129x129,97x97,65x65 funktionieren nicht, 130x130, 131x131 u. 132x132, 147x147 usw. funktionierten..

Stimmt also die Annahme, dass ent_get(set)vertex bei ((Terrain_Chunk*n)+1) Vertices nicht funktioniert?

Wie gesagt, ist eigentlich nahe liegend, aber ich mag ganz sicher gehen.

Nahe liegend? aha... laugh
Posted By: boyax

Re: Chunked Terrains - 04/24/09 07:08

Hi guys,

Sorry for the off-topic post...
Is it ok if posting is English?
I am really new to the 3DGS stuff and as much as I can I want to digest information quickly....

I'm also interested on this topic since I got some problem and/or research if multiple heightmaps in terrain is possible since i got a big terrain...
what should be my approach for that?

Posted By: jcl

Re: Chunked Terrains - 04/24/09 08:45

Short answer: Use chunked terrain. Use terrain cache and LOD if you have the Pro edition. It's ok when you have several terrains instead of one. For terrain deformation, use ent_setvertex. Use a chunk size of 32, and make sure that the number of terrain squares in any direction is a multiple of 32.
Posted By: boyax

Re: Chunked Terrains - 04/24/09 11:09


I just want to clarify...
Is your reply an answer to my query? By the way, I'm using a Commercial edition.

Is chunked terrain supported only in Pro edition?

Posted By: Cowabanga

Re: Chunked Terrains - 04/24/09 11:16

Is chunked terrain supported only in Pro edition?

No. Chunked terrains is supported in commercial too! smile
Posted By: MokyjeBrute

Re: Chunked Terrains - 04/24/09 21:00

Cowawanda you know you are no pro so why the help?
Posted By: Cowabanga

Re: Chunked Terrains - 04/25/09 04:57

Originally Posted By: MokyjeBrute
Cowawanda you know you are no pro so why the help?

Okay. Someone must stop you. I'll contact a moderator.
Posted By: MokyjeBrute

Re: Chunked Terrains - 04/25/09 07:55

I have just wondering that you are right, this time. Consolidation!
Posted By: WretchedSid

Re: Chunked Terrains - 04/25/09 08:15

Originally Posted By: MokyjeBrute
I have just wondering that you are right, this time. Consolidation!

Lol, this made my day (at 10:15 AM).
Edit: Sorry, for the spam.
Posted By: boyax

Re: Chunked Terrains - 04/27/09 03:40

Originally Posted By: Cowabanga
Is chunked terrain supported only in Pro edition?

No. Chunked terrains is supported in commercial too! smile

Hi Cowabanga,

Can you give me some reference or sample games/demos how to use the chunked terrain? If you have it... smile

Posted By: KiwiBoy

Re: Chunked Terrains - 04/27/09 04:51

Chunked terrain is set when you go to map properties and apply mesh mode.
What ever number you set determines the size of the chunks I recall but then when this first appeared, we were to have added a line saying something like chhunked = 2; or something.
This was suppossed to have set any large terrain to cut up units for frustrum viewing so that the rest of it could be clipped out while player wasnt seeing them.
Anyway, it may help or set someone elses memory off ....
Posted By: boyax

Re: Chunked Terrains - 04/27/09 06:53

But how about in programming side?

Would i need to do dynamic loading of the level (wmb file)?
I think I needed to do it since it's created in separate level....

Pls. advise. Thanks
Posted By: TechMuc

Re: Chunked Terrains - 04/27/09 08:07
Posted By: boyax

Re: Chunked Terrains - 04/27/09 09:39

Sorry. I'm still confused. I already read terrain theory. Can someone would lead me to show how chunk terrain works?

Posted By: jcl

Re: Chunked Terrains - 04/27/09 11:32

What particular question do you have?
Posted By: boyax

Re: Chunked Terrains - 04/28/09 09:18

Hi jcl,

Can you just give me some sample/demos how the to do/apply chunk terrain?

What I want to do is that if ever I have a huge terrain, I wan't to make it a multiple heightmap to make it optimize..I bumped at this thread, thinking this would answer my query.

My concern is that if ever I'll make a multiple heightmap,
- do I need to load it separately?
- how to make it appear the separate heightmaps into a one single heightmap?

Posted By: jcl

Re: Chunked Terrains - 04/28/09 09:30

Examples of chunked terrains can be found in the samples folder, and in the carlevel folder. Look for ".hmp" files. There are also lots of chunked terrains in user levels all over this forum, and in the user demos on the AU resource page.

If you have multiple heightmaps, you have the choice to create multiple chunked terrains from them, or use a paint program to merge them to a single height image. Both ways are equivalent.

Creating terrains from height maps is described in the MED manual.
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